NitteDU is a women-friendly campus. Traditionally, the University has had a strong presence of women in both its student and staff communities. Women are well represented in all programs offered by NitteDU. In 2019, the entry rate of women in the programs of the University ranged from 51% to 100%. Overall, women constitute 67% of the student strength and 72% of the workforce. The University has seen women in senior academic and administrative positions like that of the Registrar, Controller of Examinations, Director Research and Development, Principals and Vice-principals of Constituent colleges and as Department Heads.
The following initiatives of the University ensure that women feel safe and comfortable in its campus:
Nitte (Deemed to be University) is committed to promoting gender equity and encouraging women’s participation in its programs. The University tracks the entry and success of women students using metrics like application rates, entry rates and completions rates within minimum stipulated time.
hhhhhhh Report: Women students at NitteDU – 2020