The Department of Surgery offers high-quality, individualized patient care, academic teaching, and training. The team consists of highly motivated and experienced academic surgeons with an interest in teaching and research. On the clinical front, the department provides daily outpatient services, comprehensive in-patient services, surgical intensive care, and round the clock emergency surgical services. The Department emphasizes on high levels of surgical safety and competence, with high-quality outcomes, at affordable costs. The clinical services are well supported by specialty departments of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Neurosurgery, Pediatric Surgery, Plastic Surgery, and Urology.
The Department of Surgery comprises of 5 units, with patient care services being provided in a unit-vice system. The general outpatient consultation services are provided from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm on Mondays to Saturdays. In addition to these, disease specific specialty clinics are conducted in the afternoon from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm daily. Emergency surgical services are provided on all days, 24 hours, including Sundays and on holidays. The operating theatres are state of the art with the latest of equipment and instrumentation. The post-operative care wards and the surgical intensive care are among the best in the region. Through the rural satellite centers attached to the academy, the department offers surgical care in rural areas. The Department is committed to providing quality surgical care, safety in surgical care and improving outcomes following surgery. Monthly analysis of surgical morbidity and mortality, as well as the audit is held by the department, on the first Tuesday and Wednesday of every month
Surgical services provided by the Department of Surgery:
Specialty Clinics conducted by the Department of Surgery:
a) The department coordinates conducted following international course:
b) The department conducted the following National, State and District level programmes:
c) Recognition of staff members by various National, International or State level organisations
Dr K.R. Bhagavan : Professor, Department of Surgery.
Member, Board of Studies, Rajiv Gandhi University of Medical Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka.
Dr. Rajashekar Mohan : Professor & Head, Department of Surgery.
Honorary Secretary, Association of Surgeons of Rural India.
Vice-President, Association of Colon & Rectal Surgeons of India.
Vice-President, Indian Association of Traumatology & Critical care.
Member, Editorial Board, Indian Journal of Surgery.
Member, Board of Experts, Eurasian Cancer Research Council, Russian Federation