CCrISP (Care of the Critically Ill Surgical Patients)

General Medicine
Registration open for 7th, 8th and 9th CCrISP course. Please check upcoming events for dates


With great pleasure we would like to announce that Nitte (Deemed to be University) is now an internationally recognised Training Centre for CCrISP (Care of the Critically Ill Surgical Patients) course in collaboration with The Royal College of Surgeons of England.

Course Director:
Dr. K.R. Bhagavan
Professor & HOD
Dept.of.General Surgery

Course Director
Dr. Caren D’Souza
Dept.of.General Surgery

Course Co-ordinator
Dr. A. G. Jayakrishnann
Professor & HOD
Dept. of. Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery

Course Co-coordinator
Dr. Praveen M Pawar
Associate Professor
Dept.of.General Surgery

Course Content

CCrISP is a two-day interactive course (including mandatory, pre-course e-learning) covering the practical skills and knowledge needed to look after surgical patients including those who are deteriorating or at risk of doing so. CCrISP course aims to provide instruction in the management of critically ill and potentially ill surgical patients. It provides the participants with a common-sense, consensual and safe approach to surgical critical care. It emphasises a systematic approach to the assessment and management of patients and their problems rather than providing detailed knowledge of individual surgical conditions. This will help the trainee to identify the patients at risk of deterioration and to prevent the development of serious complications and multiple organ failure.

Highlights of the Course
An aide-memoire for success is to:
  • ACCEPT responsibility for patient management.
  • ADOPT a systematic approach to patient assessment.
  • APPRECIATE that complications tend to cascade rapidly.
  • ANTICIPATE and prevent complications with simple, timely actions.
  • APPLY effective communication skills to facilitate patient care.
  • ASK for appropriate assistance in a timely manner.
The course is targeted at postgraduate trainees from surgical specialities preferably second year and above and Surgical Consultants. The course is designed for 16 participants on first come first basis. The participants are expected to read the Handbook before the commencement of the course and are required to complete a pre-course test.

To complete the course satisfactorily, the participants must:
  • Attend the entire course
  • Demonstrate adequate knowledge of the principles of surgical critical care
  • Demonstrate the ability to manage a simulated critically ill surgical patient adequately

General information:
Course fees – Rs 20,000/-

Name of the Account

Nitte Deemed to be University

Account No


Name and Address of the Bank

Canara Bank, ABSMIDS Branch, Deralakatte





Branch Code








Please note: Kindly confirm the eligibility with course committe before payment and registration. (Amount is non-refundable once the payment is made)

  • Payment can be made through above mentioned modes, preferably NEFT or RTGS. If payment is made through Cheque or DD the original copy has to be sent to Nitte University by post. In such cases the registration will be confirmed only on receiving the hard copy of the DD or cheque. On the post cover, please mention "Cheque / DD copy for CCrISP Course registration"

  • Postal Address to send Cheque or DD :
    Dr K R Bhagavan
    Professor and Head
    Department of General Surgery
    CCrISP course Director
    Academic block
    K S Hegde Medical Academy
    Deralakatte 575018

  • Participants will receive a Certificate from The Royal College of Surgeons of England, after successful completion of the course.
  • Soft copy of student handbook will be avaiable online.
  • Please choose the appropriate course date from dropdown list in the registration form.
  • Breakfast, Tea and Lunch are provided during the course.
  • The travel and accommodation to be arranged by the candidates themselves.
  • Course fee will not be refunded, once the registration is confirmed.

Contact details

Dr Praveen M Pawar


1) What is CCrISP course?
CCrISP is a two- day interactive course (including mandatory, pre-course e-learning) covering the practical skills and knowledge needed to look after surgical patients including those who are deteriorating or at risk of doing so.

2) Is it a online course or Off-line course?
It is a off-line course. However participant must have a eligible score in pre-course mcq test.

3) How many participants can participate per course?
16 participants. (First come first basis)

4) Who can apply for the course?
1. Post graduate trainees from surgical specilalities preferably second year onwards (General Surgery, Orthopaedics, ENT, Anaesthesiology, Surgical Super Speciality)
2. Consultants from Surgical Speciality

5) Is there a course fees?
Yes. A nominal fees of rupees 20,000 per candidate.

6) How to register to CCrISP course?
Register in NITTE website. Once your registration is confirmed NITTE University will register your candidature in RCS. After which you will be given access to RCS account.

7) Is there a assessment during the course?

8) Can a candidate fail in course?
Yes. If the performance is not upto the standards a candidate may be given a fail.

9) What to do if candidate fails?
The candidate should pass in the next course to avail certificate. However whether candidate has to resit for complete course or a part of the course will be decided by the Course Director after discussing with the faculty.

10) Do I get a certificate for completion of course?
Yes. After successful completion of course you will receive a certificate from Royal College of Surgeons of England.

11) What is the validity of certificate?
It is valid for life time.

12) Where can I get the information about CCrISP course?
The complete information of the course is available in RCS website: or

Upcoming Courses

Course completed

  • 4th CCrISP Course of August 2024 has been successfully completed