Dr Lekha Pandit is the Principal Investigator of this center , located at KS Hegde Medical Academy. Its strength and uniqueness comes from the fact that it is a clinician driven research center which focuses on translational research in autoimmune central nervous system disorders. Its broad goals are to utilize clinical longitudinal data derived from its large patient registry to ask basic research questions that have translational potential through identification of biomarkers, immunological targets that facilitate management algorithms and the development of cost effective bioassays. These include a number of autoimmune disorders with special emphasis on multiple sclerosis (MS), Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders(NMOSD) and a variety of atypical non MS demyelinating diseases.
This unique centre devoted to clinical and basic research in the field of Neurology came into existence in 2006. The initial funding for starting the lab was brought in by Dr. LekhaPandit and a memorandum of understanding was signed with Nitte Education Trust on 15.07.2005. Subsequent funding came from the generous support of the Nitte Trust and Governmental funding agencies such as DRDO, DST ICMR& DBT and international agencies such as Multiple Sclerosis Society of Great Britain.
Clinical Research:
Mangalore Demyelinating Disease Registry: The growing number of patients with demyelinating central nervous system disorders seen at the Department of Neurology at K S Hegde Hospital led to the formation of a patient registry exclusively for the enrollment, assessment, subsidized treatment and dedicated long term followup of patients with Multiple sclerosis, Neuromyelitisoptica and other atypical demyelinating central nervous system (CNS) disorders. The Mangalore demyelination disease Registry, run by Dr Lekha Pandit was started in 2007 with a purpose to establish a database of CNS demyelinating disorders. Patients within a radius of 250 km from Mangalore are referred for specialist consultation and treatment. This registry has more than 1500 patients on its rolls. Nearly 2/3rd are followed long-term with dedicated treatment protocols and subsidized medications. Data from this registry has led to many original contributions that help to understand autoimmune neurological disorders in the Indian context.
Laboratory Research:
Extra mural and intra mural Research Projects:
Association of Helicobacter pylori virulent genes with demyelinating CNS disorders | Nitte (Deemed to be University) 2022-2024 | Rs 1,80,000 |
Identifying and characterizing Aquaporin -4 specific T cells in Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders | Nitte (Deemed to be University) 2020-2021 |
Rs 1,99,948 |
Development of a sensitive cell based assay for the detection of a diagnostic biomarker (Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody) in Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders | ICMR (2020-2023) |
Rs 30,72,528 |
Indian Multiple Sclerosis and Allied Demyelinating Disorders Registry and Research Network | ICMR (2020-2025) |
Rs 32,29,000 |
Use of Wistar rat brain sections in Immunohistochemistry studies for characterization of seronegative Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders-A pilot study | Nitte (Deemed to be University) 2019-2020 |
Rs 1,40,000 |
Evaluation of AQP4-IgG administration with human complement for developing Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) rodent mouse model - A pilot study | Nitte (Deemed to be University) 2019-2020 |
Rs 1,25,000 |
"Development of a cost effective cell based assay for the diagnosis of Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders in India" | DBT-BIRAC (2019-2021) |
Rs 40,93,000 |
Neuromyelitis optica Biomarker assay development – Phase1 (Culture & Maintenance of Human Embryonic Kidney cell lines for development of cell based biomarker assay for sensitive diagnosis of Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders.) | Nitte University (2015-2016) |
Rs 1,20,000 |
Understanding the role of herpes viruses and human endogenous retrovirus in MS pathogenesis | Dept of Biotechnology (2014-2017) |
Rs 65,00,000 |
Environmental & genetic risk factors for MS in Indian population | Dept of Science & Technology, Govt of India (2011-2014) |
Rs 58,01,282 |
Study of European risk variants in MS in Indian population | MS society of Great Britain (2013-2014) | Rs 15,00,000 |
Association of H pylori with NMO and NMO spectrum disorders among Indian population | Nitte University (2014-2015) |
Rs 1,33,900 |
Association of HLA Class I (A&C) Alleles in Multiple Sclerosis among Indian population- a pilot study | Nitte University (2013-2014) |
Rs 2,05,375 |
Study of patterns and prevalence of demyelinating disorders in urban Mangalore | Indian council of medical research (2010-2013) |
Rs 35,80,000 |
Evaluation of Anti Aquaporin Antibody in Indan Demyelinating disorders (collaboration with Professor Weinshenker, Mayoclinic, Minnesotta, USA) | Intramural funding (2007-2008) |
Rs 1,00,000 |
A longitudinal study to determine the clinical and radiological predictors for ADEM and MS and to evaluate underlying genetic susceptibility. | Indian council of Medical research (2007-2010) |
Rs 12,50,000 |
Molecular genetics & genetic epi demiology of some common triplet repeat disorders in Coastal Karnataka | Dept.of Science & Technology, (DST,Govt of India) (2006-2009) |
Rs19,00,000 |
Molecular Characterization of Campylo- bacter jejuni infection associated with Guillane –Barre syndrome | Life Science research Board (DRDO,Govt of India) (2005-2007) |
Rs10,80,000 |
Evaluation of Fragile X syndrome as cause of mental retardation | Indian council of medical of research (ICMR) & Nitte Educational Trust (2002-2003) |
Rs 25,000 |
Use of universal primers in the diagnosis Of culture negative meningitis Use of semi nested PCR in diagnosis of Culture negative meningitis | Rhodes Scholar Mridula Shastri memorial post-doctoral scholarship (2001-2002) | Rs 1,00,000 |
International collaborative projects:
Title | Collaborators |
An International Collaborative study of Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein antibody associated disease (MOGAD) | Dr Lekha Pandit (India), Dr Brenda Banwell (Philadelphia, USA) |
Optic neuritis classification study - An international collaborative study (2018-2021) | Lead collaborator- Dr Axel Petzold, UCL Institute of Neurology, Queen square, London, United Kingdom |
International Panel for classification of Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Antibody Diseases (MOGAD) (2020-2021) | Brain Group: Kazuo Fujihara (Japan) Romain Marignier ( France) Albert Saiz (Spain) Lekha Pandit (India) Brenda Banwell (US) Cheryl Hemingway (UK) Spinal Cord Group: Jackie Palace ( UK) Ho Jin Kim ( S Korea) Eoin Flanagan (US) Douglas Sato ( Brazil)Rinze Neuteboom (Netherlands), Silvia Tenenbaum (Argentina) Optic Nerve Group: Friedemann Paul (Germany) Jeff Bennett ( US), Alexander Brandt ( US/GER), Sudarshini Ramanathan ( AUS) Kevin Rostasy (Austria/ Germany) Jennifer Graves ( US) Serology Group: Sean Pittock ( US) Paddy Waters (UK) Markus Reindl (Austria) Fabienne Brilot-Turville (Australia) Tanuja Chitnis (US), Kumaran Deiva (France) |
Delphi Consensus Panel- Treatment choices in NMOSD (2020-2021) | Chair : Dr Friedemann Paul (Germany International Panel: Dr Jacqueline Palace(US),Dr Romain Marignier(France), Dr Sudarshini Ramanathan ( AUS), Dr Marco Lana Peixoto (Brazil), Dr Douglas Sato(Brazil), Dr Nasrin Asgari(Denmark)Dr Ho Jin Kim (Republic of Korea),Dr Lekha Pandit(India), Dr Sean Pittock (USA),Dr Jeff Bennett(USA), Dr Isabel Leite(UK), Dr Saif Huda(UK), Dr Mar Tintore(Spain), Dr Albert Saiz (Spain), Dr Najib Kissani (Morocco), Kuzuo Fujihara (Japan), Dr Satoshi Kuwabara(Japan), Dr Adi Vaknin- Dembinsky (Israel). |
Role of gut microbiome in central nervous system autoimmune disorders-A comparative study of patients of Indian origin with white Americans (2018-2019) | FULLBRIGHT RESEARCH PROJECT- NITTE/HARVARD UNIVERSITY Fullbright fellowship program, Brigham & Women’s hospital, Harvard medical school (host University) Amount:15,000USD |
An international retrospective multi-center study of retinal optical coherence tomography in patients with neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (2017-2019) | The Collaborative Retrospective Study on retinal OCT in Neuromyelitis Optica (CROCTINO) / Parallel Study on MRI in Neuromyelitis Optica (PAMRINO) project-The Data Coordination Center (DCC) of the University of Utah,USA, Charité – Universitäts medizin Berlin-Germany, Guthy-Jackson Charitable Foundation, USA |
Comparative study of severity of Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder world wide (2017-2019) | Dr Jacqueline Palace Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Oxford University. Dr Ho Jin Kim National Cancer Center Korea, (Goyang-si South Korea) |
An International survey on treatment of MOG-IgG associated demyelination (2018-2019) | Lead collaborator- Dr Anu Jacob, The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust, Liverpool, United Kingdom |
Special immunodiagnostic tests are offered at Centre for Advanced Neurological Research
Ongoing clinical drug trials
Dr Lekha Pandit
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