The Civil Engineering Department started in 1987 with a UG Programme with an intake of 60. Since the Academic year 2012-13, the intake has been increased to 120. The intake for the current Academic Year (2024-25) is 60. Two year Post Graduation programme M.Tech in Construction Technology was started in 2010 with an intake of 18 and M.Tech in Structural Engineering in the year 2017 with an intake of 24. The Department is also recognized as a Research Centre offering M.Sc. (Engg.) and Ph.D. programmes with 9 research scholars pursuing their Ph. D. In addition, the Department Students' Association (OCEAN) organizes seminars, workshops, educational tours and design competitions for Civil Engineering students. It also conducts Leadership Training, Personality Development Training and Entrepreneurship Development Programmes. The Department has taken up Karnataka State Council for Science & Technology (KSCST) funded projects and is also working on developing Masonry blocks and Paver blocks using Industrial waste materials under Karnataka New Age Incubation Centre, NMAMIT funded by the Department of IT, BT and S & T, government of Karnataka.
The department of Civil Engineering, NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte an off-campus centre of Nitte Deemed to be University, signed an MOU with L&T EduTech under College Connect scheme to provide practical and application-oriented learning to make learners job-ready. As more and more recruiters look for job-ready candidates, the program provides live industry exposure through simulated laboratories and immersive programs. The program aims to provide physical immersion programs, thereby enriching the learning process. This MoU empowers faculty and facilitates industry-academia collaboration in undertaking industry-led research programs.
Larsen & Toubro is an Indian multinational engaged in Engineering Procurement and Construction Projects, Hi-Tech Manufacturing and Services. It operates in over 50 countries worldwide. L&T Construction, India's largest construction organisation and ranked among the world's top contractors, has been over the past seven decades transforming cityscapes and landscapes with structures of immense size and grandeur. The L&T EduTech MoU enables the NMAMIT Civil Engineering Graduates form the academic year 2023 securing B. Tech. degree combined with a specialization in Transportation Infrastructure Engineering certificate from L& T EduTech. It is a career integrated program first of its kind in the state of Karnataka.
In the world of engineering and technology, change and advancements are happening at the speed of light. Academia needs to keep pace with this change and career professionals need to adapt. The vision for L&T EduTech is to be a bridge between academia and industry, between career professionals and ever-changing technology. L&T EduTech firmly believes that, only when these need gaps are filled, we will have truly empowered and knowledgeable workforce that will lead India in the future.
To uphold the Department as a leader in community development through innovation and excellence in diverse areas of Civil Engineering to meet the global challenges and market demands
The graduates of the program will be :
The Department of Civil Engineering has 10 well equipped laboratories: Material Testing Lab, Highway Engineering Lab,
Read MoreThe Department of Civil Engineering has 10 well equipped laboratories: Material Testing Lab, Highway Engineering Lab, Concrete Lab, Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machinery Lab, Surveying Lab, Geo-Technical Engineering Lab, Environmental Engineering Lab, Applied Engineering Geology Lab, CAD Lab, Remote Sensing and GIS Lab and Structures Lab. The department has STAAD-PRO software, E-TAB, AUTO DESK and CYPE-CAD software and has procured the GIS software under TEQIP
Licensed Software
Name | Year of Purchase | No. of Users |
AUTO CAD | 2015 | 125 |
ERDAS IMAGINE | 2015 | 5 |
Geo Media Pro. | 2015 | 5 |
CYPE CAD. | 2016 | 5 |
E-SURVEYING | 2016 | 1 |
MS PROJECT PRO | 2017 | 5 |
ETABS | 2017 | 5 |
CSi Bridge | 2017 | 5 |
Primavera | 2018 | For entire Lab |
Number of students pursuing Ph. D. Under VTU
Sl.No. | Name of the Guide | No. of Candidates Registered under VTU |
1 | Dr. I R Mithanthaya | 05 |
2 | Dr. Udaykumar G. | 01 |
3 | Dr.Srinath Shetty K | 01 |
4 | Dr. Radhakrishnan K | 03 |
5 | Dr. Bhojaraj B.E. | 01 |
6 | Dr. Mahadeve Gowda S.K. | 01 |
Number of Papers published in Scopus indexed journals, Conferences/Seminars conducted and Conferences/Seminars attended by the Faculty members (2019 – 2020)
No. of Research Papers Published | No. of Conference / Symposium / Seminar conducted | No. of Conference / Symposium / Seminar attended by the Faculty |
16 | 02 | 26 |
List of Research projects under National / State / Private Ffunding Agencies (including state governmentt.) during the year 2019-2020
Name of the Faculty/Principal Investigator | Project Title | Funding Agency | Total Amount Sanctioned (Rs.) |
Dr. Mithun B M | Accelerated Strength Testing of Alkali Activated Slag Concrete Mixes | Nitte Deemed to be University | 8,53,000.00 |
Dr. I.R. Mithanthaya Mr. Shriram Marathe |
Study and Development of Cost effective and Green Masonry block using Industrial waste materials | NMAMIT Research grant | 4,95,000.00 |
Details of Funded projects
1. Study and to develop Cost Effective and Green Masonry Block using Industrial waste materials
Title of the project | Study and to Develop Cost Effective and Green Masonry Block Using Industrial Waste Materials |
Sponsoring Agency | NMAMIT Research Grant 2017-18 |
Name of PI | Dr. I R Mithanthaya, Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering |
Name of CO-PI | Mr. Shriram P Marathe, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering |
Date of commencement | 30 October 2017 |
Duration | 36 months |
Total sanctioned cost of the project | Rs.4,95,000.00 |
2. Strength Prediction of Alkali Activated Slag Concrete Mixes
Title of the project | Strength Prediction of Alkali Activated Slag Concrete Mixes |
Sponsoring Agency | Nitte Deemed to be University |
Name of PI | Dr. Mithun B M, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering |
Name of CO-PI | 1. Dr. Udayakumar G, Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering 2. Dr. Srinath Shetty K, Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering |
Date of commencement | 30 October 2017 |
Duration | 36 months |
Total sanctioned cost of the project | Rs.8,53,000.00 |
Sl.No | Name of Research Scholar | Name of Research Guide | Title of Research | Year of registration | Research Centre |
1 | Mr. Purandara K | Dr. Mahadeve Gowda S.K. | Development and study the properties of Engineered cementitious composite | 2013 | NMAMIT Nitte |
2 | Mr. Pushparaj A. Naik | Dr. Udaykumar G. | Reed bed concept of waste water treatment and production of bio gas from reed chaff and other blends | 2013 | NMAMIT Nitte |
3 | Ms. Deepa S | Dr. I R Mithanthaya | A Comparitive Study on Buildings Designed For Gravity Load & Retrofitted with Lateral Load Resistant Elementsan Analytical Study | 2014 | NMAMIT Nitte |
4 | Mr. Shriram P. Marathe | Dr. I R Mithanthaya | Performance evaluation of strength and durability studies on alkali activated geo-polymer concrete using industrial wastes. | 2015 | NMAMIT Nitte |
5 | Mr. Vinod T D'Souza | Dr. I R Mithanthaya | Stabilization/Modification of local soils using Geopolymer cement-A non-conventional approach | 2015 | NMAMIT Nitte |
6 | Mr. Purushotham C T | Dr. I R Mithanthaya | Developing a non-homogeneous environmental friendly RCC | 2015 | NMAMIT Nitte |
7 | Mr. Hanumanthu S K | Dr. I R Mithanthaya | Performance evaluation of geopolymer concrete with respect to strength and durability | 2015 | NMAMIT Nitte |
8 | Mrs. Thangamani R. | Dr. Radhakrishnan K | Integrated geohydrological study and palaeo environmental studies of karkalamicrowatershed, karnataka, India. | 2015 | NMAMIT Nitte |
9 | Mr. Sanathkumar K. R | Dr. Radhakrishnan K | Sediment dynamics and coastal vulnerability studies along karnataka coast | 2015 | NMAMIT Nitte |
10 | Ms. AnupamaNatesh | Dr. Radhakrishnan K | Environmental analysis of endosulfan impact at padre microwatershed, Kasargod district Kerala using integrated geomatics and artificial neural network approach | 2015 | NMAMIT Nitte |
11 | Mr. Shridhara T N | Dr.Srinath Shetty K | Fenton and Photofenton oscillation of phynelediamine containing aua solution | 2015 | NMAMIT Nitte |
12 | Mr. Sushanth S. Bhandary | Dr. Bhojaraja BE | Hyperspectralremote sensing for pollutant concentration analysis in various plants subjected to Phytoremediation | 2018 | NMAMIT Nitte |
Students selected in the campus recruitment in 2020-2021.
Students selected in the campus recruitment in 2021-2022.
Students selected in the campus recruitment in 2022-2023.
Sl.No. | Year | Name of the Faculty | Name of the Award |
1. | 2017 | Dr.Bhojaraja B E | G.M.Nawathe Best paper award from The Indian Society for Hydraulics |
2. | 2017 | Dr.Mithun B M | Research Excellence Award from Institute for Exploring Advances in Engineering |
3. | 2017 | Dr.Mithun B M | Young Achiever Award from Institute for Exploring Advances in Engineering |
The aim of the Organization of Civil Engineering Aspirants of Nitte (OCEAN) is to promote educational, social, cultural and sporting activities amongst Civil Engineering students. In addition, it also provides opportunities to build professional leadership qualities, team work, and personality development and exhibit technical skills. Through consistent student activities, they learn more about civil engineering aspects to meet community expectations. Students are also encouraged to participate in techno cultural events held at various levels. It inspires students to represent the department at recruitment, industry and alumni events across the society.
The main events are mentioned below:
The details of activities are given below
Hands on Training Program on Masonry Block makingA hands-on a training program on “Masonry Block Making using Block Making Machine” was delivered by Er. Arunachalam, Machine Technician, from Global Impex Manufacturing Company, Coimbatore, on 19 July 2019 from 10.30 A.M. to 1.30 P.M. for the teaching and non-teaching staff of Civil Engineering Department. He explained the technique of preparation of hollow blocks, and masonry solid blocks using the same machine to all the lab assistants. He provided insights regarding the working of the machine, the operations, and tips for maintenance of the same for its long run. During the program, the participants were provided hands-on-training in preparing the blocks by operating the machine under the guidance of Er. Arunachalam .
An awareness seminar on “Investment Opportunities & Financial Planning” was organized by the IEI and ISTE faculty chapter of NMAMIT in-association with the Department of Civil Engineering on 21 August 2019 afternoon from 2.30 to 4.30 at PG Lecture Hall 02 in the Department of Civil Engineering. The resource persons,Mr. Leo Amal, and Mr. Ravish Balakrishnan, experienced personal financial consultants from Lifetime Asset Strategies Private Limited, Mangalore presented various aspects of investment and financial planning. Mr. Leo Amal provided an insight on the importance of investment and the power of compounding. Mr. Ravish Balakrishnan in his talk spoke about personal financial planning and its importance for future security of the individuals and family.
Literature Review & Project InsightsA technical seminar on “Literature Review and Project Insights” was organized by the IEI and ISTE student chapter of NMAMIT in-association with the Department of Civil Engineering on 11 September 2019 from 2.00 PM to 4.00 PM at NC-11 in the Department. of Civil Engineering. The resource persons were Assistant Professors in Civil Engineering department , Mr.Shriram P. Marathe, and Dr. Anil Kumar, The program was exclusively organized for the final year B.E. students of Civil Engineering Department. The resource person Mr.ShriramMarathe presented an insight on the importance of projects in students' life.Dr. Anil Kumar in his talk discussed literature review and its importance in defining a project research problem.
A technical software hands-on training program on “Pavement Analysis Using KENPAVE Software” was organized by the IEI and ISTE student chapter of NMAMIT in-association with the Department of Civil Engineering on 13 January 2020. The resource person Mr.Shriram P. Marathe, Assistant Professor in Civil Engineering delivered a lecture to the first year M. Tech students of Construction Technology. He enlightened the students about the importance of KENPAVE Software in analysis and designing of Pavements.
Seminar on “Marshall Method of Mix DesignA technical seminar on “Marshall Method of Mix Design" was organized by the IEI and ISTE Student Chapter of NMAMIT on 16 January 2020. The resource person Mr.Shriram P. Marathe, Assistant Professor in Civil Engineering presented an exclusive talk for the final year/pre-final year GATE aspirant Students of Civil Engineering, NMAMIT. He provided insights on the importance of Marshall Test and mix design based on the same test in the bituminous pavement construction.
Preparation Strategies for GATE & Engineering ServicesA special webinar on “Preparation Strategies for GATE and ESE” was delivered by Mr.ShriramMarathe, Assistant Professor in Civil Engineering, on 05 May 2020 for the registered Pre-Final year B.E students of Civil branch. The session was carried-out through google meet application. The link of the event was https://meet.google.com/dct-rsma-miv. The event was organized under ISTE-IEI student chapter (Civil Engineering) of NMAMIT Nitte.He enlightened the students about the importance of GATE examination and other related competitive examinations with their scope for Civil Engineering students. He also gave tips regarding the preparation strategies for preparation of such examinations.
Conferences/Workshop/Seminars conducted | Date | No. of days | Participants |
Workshop on “Pavement Analysis Using KENPAVE Software” | 13 January 2020 | Half Day | I M.Tech (Civil) students |
Seminar on “Marshall Method of Mix Design” | 16 January 2021 | Half Day | Final year/pre-final year Civil Engg. students |
An OCEAN Event “Effective use of BIM in Construction Management” | 20 February 2020 | 1 | Final Year Students |
Two days FDP on “New Education Policy as applied to Civil Engineering Course” | 12 - 13 June 2020 | 2 | 26 faculty + 4 non-teaching staff |
Online webinar on “Sustainable Construction for Greener Future – A Concrete Solution” | 17 July 2020 | 1 | 170 Praticipants |
Live Webinar on “GIS for Civil Engineering Applications” | 5 August 2020 | 1 | 150 Participants |
Webinar on “Sustainable Construction for Greener Future – A Concrete Solution” | 17 August 2020 | 1 | 170 participants |
International Conference on “Civil Engineering Trends and Challenges for Sustainability” (CTCS 2020) Under the Aegis of ICETE 2020 – A multi-conference platform | 22 & 23 December 2020 | 2 | |
One day training program about “Soil Testing and Fertiliser Recommendation (STFR) Meter Kit” Village Level Soil testing Lab in NMAMIT, Nitte. | 27 February 2021 | 1 | 3 staff |
Webinar on “Successful Entrepreneurial Journey for Aspiring Entrepreneurs” | 9 May 2021 | 1 Hr | 105 students of all branch |
A special webinar on “Preparation Strategies for GATE and Engineering Services” | 22 May 2021 | 2 Hr | 2nd year Civil Engg. students |
Webinar on "Application of Concrete Technology in Urban Landscape Concrete Products" | 26 June 2021 | 3 Hr. | All MTech & Civil Students |
One-week online FDP on “Contemporary Challenge and Recent Advancements in Civil Engineering (CCRACE-2021) | 1 September 2021 | 7 | 80 External + 32 PG students + 27 faculty members |
Industrial Visit to “Ultratech Concrete Ltd - Industrial area, Baikampady, Mangalore” | 8 October 2021 | 1 | VII semester Students |
Seminar on “Introduction To Research For Beginners ”- | 24 February 2022 | M.Tech Students +office bearers of ISTE-IEI | |
Special Seminar on “Higher Studies Options and Preparation Strategies for Competitive Exams” | 3 March 2022 | 40 students | |
Industrial Visit Report | 30 March 2022 | 6th sem students | |
Talk on “Higher Studies and Job Opportunities for Civil Engineers in Australia” | 2 June 2022 | Civil students | |
A Five Day Faculty Development Program on “Python Programming” | 1 - 6 August 2022 | 26 faculties + Lab Assistants |
Sl.No. | Sl.No. | Agency | MOU Period | Document Reference |
1 | 1 | CITY MUNICIPAL COUNCIL,UDUPI | 01-04-2019 to 31-03-2021 | SUBIN-KAKA-......SHCIL60208219978725R |
2 | 2 | HINDU RELIGION ENDOWMENT DEPARTMENT | 01-04-2019 to 31-03-2021 | SUBIN-KAKA-SHCIL60209111270873R |
3 | 3 | TOWN MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, KAUP | 01-04-2019 to 31-03-2021 | SUBIN-KAKA-SHCIL60208320315321R |
4 | 4 | PWP AND IWT DEPARTMENT, KARKALA | 01-04-2019 to 31-03-2021 | SUBIN-KAKA-SHCIL60209816733201R |
5 | 5 | NIRMITHI KENDRA, UDUPI | 01-04-2019 to 31-03-2021 | SUBIN-KAKA-SHCIL60208548636772R |
6 | 6 | TOWN MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, KARKALA | 01-04-2019 to 31-03-2021 | SUBIN-KAKA-SHCIL60208728260237R |
I am fortunate to have graduated from NMAMIT.
It provided me with ample opportunities for growth and development. I would not be wrong when I say that this is one of the best colleges providing quality education while giving equal importance to sports and other extracurricular activities. We have the best campus atmosphere in Nitte.
'Ideas-Opportunities'; 'Achievements-Applauds'- my GAINS at NMAMIT!!
NMAMIT has an amazing campus amidst lush greenery.
I'm a civil engineering graduate and have a strong foundation of knowledge. I always put my best foot forward when I step into a room and feel that I belong there.
The professors are fountains of knowledge, truly passionate about the subject. Somewhere along the line their passion spills over to the students!
NMAMIT boosts extra curricular activities as well. Incridea, one of the best Technical and Cultural fests is organized here, where students from various parts of the country participate.
It's also one of the safest places for girls to stay in.
I have truly made some amazing memories and a great network being in NMAMIT.
I gladly say that "I am a proud NMAMITian"
“I cherish the four years I spent at NMAMIT. The experience has been nothing less than extraordinary. I say this because of the plethora of opportunities that we were presented with. Academia and personal growth went hand in hand, leading to a more wholesome development. The support and encouragement to pursue extra-curricular activities gave us the much-needed breather, which in turn meant we did better in our subjects. Cutting the long story short, NMAMIT gave us the perfect platform to excel both, personally and professionally.”
Name | Institution | Registered | University | Title of Ph.D Work |
Deepa S. | Faculty from Manipal Polytechnic | Registered (May 2014) Course work completed . Comprehensive Viva Completed (17/02/2017) | VTU (Visvesvaraya Technological University) | Performance assessment of framed structural system retrofitted with different LLRE-A Parametric Study" |
Vinod T. D'souza. | Asst. Professor, St. Joseph College of Engineering, Mangalore | Registered (May 2014) | VTU (Visvesvaraya Technological University) | Stabilization/Modification of local soils using Geoploymer cement-A non conventional approach |
Mr. Purushotham | Asst. Professor, Sahyadri College of Engineering, Mangalore | Registered (Nov. 2015) | VTU (Visvesvaraya Technological University) | Developing a non homogeneous environmental friendly RCC |
Mr. Shriram P. Marate | Asst. Professor, N.M.AM. Institute of Technology, Nitte | Registered (Nov. 2015) Course Work Completed | VTU (Visvesvaraya Technological University) | Performance evaluation of strength & durability studies on alkali activated geopolymer concrete using Industrial wastes |
Mr. Hanumathraju S.K | Asst. Professor, SDM College of Engineering, Ujre | Registered (Nov. 2015) Course Work Completed | VTU (Visvesvaraya Technological University) | Performance evaluation of geopolymer concrete with respect to strength and durability |
UG & PG Programmes (Theory):
Presented in Conference and in Proceedings :
Journal Editorial Board Membership/ Reviewer for Journals
Type of Research Papers Till Date | Number |
Edited Books (Springer Nature) | 03 |
National Conference | 02 |
International Conference (India) | 24 |
International Conference (Abroad) | 01 |
National Journal | 09 |
International Journal / Accepted | 44 |
Under Review/Communicated | 07 |
Editorials for the Reputed Books | 03 |
Total | 93 |
Edited Book Details :
Selected-Refreed Journal Publications:
Selected-Refreed Book Chapters:
Selected-Referred Conference Proceedings:
For PG
For UG
MOOC Courses Completed
NPTEL Courses
Year | Subject | Offering Institution | Grade |
November 2018 | Introduction to Research | IIT-M, Chennai, TN | Elite Grade, with Silver Medal |
March 2019 | Roadmap for Patent Creation | IIT-KGP, WB | Elite Grade with Silver Medal |
October 2019 | Geitechnical Engineering Lab | IIT-B, Mumbai, MH | Elite Grade with Gold Medal |
Coursera MOOCs
Platform/Year | Subject | Duration | Offering Institution | Grade |
Coursera/ April 2020 | Learning How to Learn for Youth | 3 weeks | Arizona State University, USA | 96.8% |
Coursera/ April 2020 | Mastering bitumen for better roads and innovative applications | 4 weeks | Ecole Des Ponts Paris Tech | 86.1% |
Coursera/April 2020 | Business English: Networking | 5 weeks | University of Washington | 98% |
Coursera/May 2020 | Business English: Meetings | 4 weeks | University of Washington | 99.2% |
Coursera/May 2020 | Business English: Planning & Negotiating | 4 weeks | University of Washington | 96.8% |
Coursera/May2020 | Business English : Making Presentation | 4 weeks | University of Washington | 92% |
Coursera/July 2020 | Business English: Capstone Project | 7 weeks | University of Washington | 100% |
Coursera/Sept 2020 | Basic Statistics | 8 weeks | University of Amsterdam | 88.63% |
Coursera/Feb 2023 | Probability and Statistics: To p or not to p? | 6 weeks | University of London | 94.0% |
Tasks Delivered as a Resource Person
Paper Presentation/ Seminar Details
Degree | Thesis Title | Project Guide | College/University |
B.E. | Laboratory investigations on Strength of fly ash-based Geo-Polymer concrete (2012) | Dr. Bhavani Shankar Rao, Professor, NMAMIT, Nitte | NMAMIT Nitte, Under Visveshwaraiah Technological University (VTU) Belagavi |
M.Tech | Studies on General Properties of Lateritic and Lithomergic soil blends, Resilient Modulus, and Analysis of Stresses and Deformations on Model Embankments using PLAXIS-2D (2014) | Dr. Varghese George ,Professor, NITK Surathkal | Natioanal Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal. |
Ph.D | Performance studies on Strength And Durability of Alkali Activated Concrete Mixes using Industrial By-products (Successfully Defended the thesis on 11 December 2020) | Dr. I. Ramesh Mithanthaya ,Professor, NMAMIT, Nitte | NMAMIT Nitte, Under Visveshwaraiah Technological University (VTU) Belagavi |
Title of the Invention | Sustainable Pervious Alkali Activated Concrete Paver Block Pavement for Ground water Recharge |
Inventors |
Docket No | 65824 |
Patent Filed On | 2020/07/29 17:39:36 |
Patent Granted on | 27 September 2021 |
Title of the Project | Study and to Develop Cost Effective and Green Masonry Block Using Industrial Waste Materials |
Principal Investigator | Dr. I.R. Mithanthaya ,Professor in Civil Engineering (Vice Principal and Dean Academics) |
Co-Principal Investigator | Mr. Shriram Marathe Assistant Professor in Civil Engineering |
NMAMIT-Project Grant | Rs. 4,95,000 |
Project Duration | 36 months (3 years) |
Project Start Date | 30-10-2017 |
Status of Project | COMPLETED |
Reference Number | Grant No. with date: NMAMIT/RF/2017/08 Reference Number: 2017/NMAMIT/Dean(R&D)/81 dated 05/10/2017 |
Title of the Project | Study Tour of ATAL Tunnel under the AICTE Youth Undertaking Visit for Acquiring Knowledge (YUVAK) Scheme |
Project Leader | Dr. Shriram Marathe, Department of Civil Engineering, NMAMIT, Nitte |
Project Grant | Rs. 2,00,000 |
Status of the Project | COMPLETED |
Reference Number | File No. STDC-AICTE-ST-AT/266/2020-2021/24 Dated 19.08.2021 |
UG Level
PG Level
Consultancy Works
Software skills
Extra-Curricular Activities:
Conferences/Seminars attended :06