The program consists of 3 years of academics followed by 1 year of internship. Each academic year consists of 2 semesters.
Graduates can pursue their career as Audiologists and/or Speech - Language Pathologists in various set ups such as Speech & Hearing Clinics, Hearing Aid and Cochlear implant Centers, Special Schools for the disabled, Regular schools, Industrial setups, Government or Private hospitals, or can set up their own private practice. Further, those interested in academics and research can pursue higher studies and work in educational institutions in India or abroad. Speech and Hearing graduates also have employment opportunities in foreign countries like USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Gulf countries.
The duration of the B. ASLP program will extend over six semester(s) of course work (three academic years) plus two semesters (one academic year) of internship with one semester of in-postings and another semester of out-postings for the students. Each semester shall consist of 16 weeks of study (excluding the time spent for the conduct of the final examination of each semester).
The scholar should complete the program within the period as prescribed in the regulation governing the maximum period for completing the degree program from the date of admissions. The term completing the program means passing all the prescribed examinations of the program to become eligible for the degree. No candidate will be permitted to appear for the examinations after the prescribed maximum period for completing the program.
Medium of instruction is English.
Subjects of B. ASLP program shall comprise the following.
The syllabus of the program shall be as framed by the concerned Board of Studies in Speech and hearing following the Curriculum prescribed by the Rehabilitation Council of India. There shall be University examinations at the end of each semester ordinarily during October/November for odd semesters and during April/May for even semesters.
The internal assessment marks for theory papers shall be based on minimum of two tests and one assignment. The test shall be of at least one hour duration to be held during the semester.
The marks obtained for the assignment and the average marks obtained in the two tests shall be taken as internal assessment marks.
Each theory paper has a practical portion to be assessed internally.
The internal assessment marks for the clinical practicum will be based on the Continuous Assessment Throughout Semester (CATS) format of the Institute that is framed as per RCI norms.
A candidate shall register for all the papers and practicals of a semester when he/she appears for the examination of that semester for the first time. To be eligible to appear for examination, a candidate must have obtained a minimum of 50% marks in the internal assessment for each subject, the subject practical, and Clinical Practicum individually.
The candidate is required to obtain a minimum of 50% in each of the theory paper(s), internal assessment, subject practical and clinical practicum examination(s) individually for a pass. A Candidate will not be able to appear for university theory exam if they do not pass their internal assessment, practical and clinical practicum component. A Candidate will have to pass the clinical examination of the given semester to proceed to the next semester. Each paper should be successfully completed within 3 attempts including, the first one.
Students can start Internship after the 6th semester exams. However, students who fail in their clinical exam of 6th semester will have to discontinue internship. The candidates are permitted to carry over the theory papers until the end of the program.
Grading and evaluation of student:
All Internees will be assessed based on their attendance, performance in the Clinical postings (In-posting and Out-Posting) and presentation of log-books. The mode of assessment and frequency of assessment will be prescribed by the BOS (Speech & Hearing).
The Intern is required to repeat those postings in which his/her performance is below 40%.
All the clinical examinations will be conducted by one internal and one external examiner (Clinicals in Speech-Language Pathology and Clinicals in Audiology) at the end of Internship (8th semester.)
Certification: The Institute will award a certificate after successful completion of the Internship and clinical examination (Clinicals in Speech-Language Pathology and Clinicals in Audiology.) Supervised clinical hours undertaken during Internship shall be included in the Clinical Competency Certificate issued to the students.
The program commences on the date prescribed by the University, generally in August.
The Student Council formed by the Institute organizes various cultural and sports events, NSS activities throughout the Academic year. The BASLP program work also encourages the active participation of the students in various extra-curricular and co-curricular activities at intra and intercollegiate levels.