A group of 5 to 10 students are assigned to a teacher who will monitor and assist the students in academics and overall development. Orientation programs for fresh entrants, training in leadership, public speaking, effective communication, facing interviews are conducted regularly. Student support programs such as student welfare cell, placement & guidance cell and women's wing address the academic and psychological needs of the students.
Women students can also avail counselling and guidance from the Women's Cell. Women Counsellors are available in the Students’ Wellness Centre. The Women's cell conducts sensitization programs for women students and staff regarding their rights, opportunities, redressal avenues
NitteDU has a zero-tolerance policy on ragging and any other form student bullying. Every student and his/her parent/guardian is required submit an affidavit confirming compliance to the UGC Regulations on Curbing the Menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions. The University has an Anti-Ragging Committee chaired by the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. (Dr.) M S Moodithaya. Each of the Constituent Colleges have Institutional Anti-Ragging Committees headed by the respective Deans / Principals.
The UGC Regulations on Curbing the Menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions and a copy of the proforma for Affidavits maybe accessed here
NitteDU is committed to creating and maintaining a community in which students, teachers and non-teaching staff can work together in an environment free of violence, harassment, exploitation, intimidation and stress. This includes all forms of gender violence, sexual harassment and discrimination based on sex/gender or amongst the same sex members. Every member of the NU should be aware that while the NU is committed to the right to freedom of expression and association, it strongly supports gender equality and opposes any form of gender discrimination and violence.
A Committee Against Sexual Harassment is constituted to promote a harassment free, healthy environment on campus. The current members of the Committee are:
Sl.No. | Members | Category |
1 |
Dr. Michelle Mathias Professor, KSHEMA Ph: 9449022921 Email: path.michelle29@nitte.edu.in |
Chairperson / Presiding Officer |
2 |
Prof. Dr. Karuna Pandit Professor, NMAMIT Ph: 9964071440 Email: karunapandit@nitte.edu.in |
Faculty members |
3 |
Prof. Dr. Vidya Ajila Professor, ABSMIDS Ph: 8861937321 Email: drvidyaajila@nitte.edu.in |
4 |
Prof. Dr. Jennifer Fernandez Professor, NGSMIPS Ph: 9448546807 Email: fernandesj@nitte.edu.in |
5 |
Ms. Manu Kumari M S Assistant Professor, NSAMFGC Ph: 9483354513 Email: manukumarim0507@nitte.edu.in |
6 |
Dr. Nesara Kadanakuppe Associate Professor Ph: 9844206083 Email: nesarakadanakuppe@nitte.edu.in |
7 |
Ms. Shwetha Pai Accountant, ABSMIDS Ph:9341237729 Email: shwethapai@nitte.edu.in |
Non-teaching members |
8 |
Ms. Geetha Office Assistant, NISH Ph: 8105935449 Email: geetha.b@nitte.edu.in |
9 |
Ms. Priya, 2nd Year, BPT ,NIPT Ph:9834462289 Email: priya.21upy050@student.nitte.edu.in |
Student representatives |
10 |
Ms. Inchara A P, 3rd Year B.Arch, NIA Ph: 8105225413, Email: inchara.21uar007@student.nitte.edu.in |
11 |
Ms. Melita Sherlin D’Souza 1st Year MBA,JKSHIM Ph: 9148923238 Email: melita.22mba@student.nitte.edu.in |
12 |
Dr. Asha Jyothi Rai Chairperson Aasare Charitable Trust ® Kuloor, Mangalore, Pin: 575013 Ph: 9945201505 Email: raiashajyothi@gmail.com |
Member (Non-govt. organization) |
13 |
Dr. Gunimala Chakraborty Associate Professor NUCSER Ph:7022129274 Email: gunimala@nitte.edu.in
Member Secretary |
The University’s policy on Prevention of Sexual Harassment may be accessed here.
NitteDU is committed to creating and maintaining a campus environment that is free of alcohol and ‘Substance’ abuse. ‘Substance’ abuse harms students, threatens the safety of the environment, and disrupts the educational process and defeats the purpose for which a student is being educated. While the University takes a serious view of alcohol and ‘substance’ abuse on its campus, it strongly believes that the best way to maintain an appropriate campus environment with respect to drugs and alcohol is through preventive education about the dangers of drug abuse and compassionate attention to the needs of those who may require help with alcohol or other drug-related problems. To that end, the University provides on-campus support programs and services as well as information about related services that are available in the local community.
A Committee to promote a Substance-free campus is in place and its current composition is as follows:
Sl.No. |
Members |
Category |
1 |
Prof. Dr. M.S. Moodithaya Vice-Chancellor |
Chairperson |
3 |
Dr. Harsha Halahalli Registrar |
Member |
4 |
Prof. Dr. P.S. Prakash Dean, K.S. Hegde Medical Academy |
Member |
5 |
Prof. Dr. Krishna Nayak U.S Dean, ABSM Institute of Dental Sciences. |
Member |
6 |
Prof. Dr. C.S. Shastry Principal, N G S M Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
Member |
7 |
Prof. Dr. Fathima D’Silva Principal, Nitte Usha Institute of Nursing Sciences. |
Member |
8 |
Prof. Dr. Dhanesh Kumar Principal, Nitte Institute of Physiotherapy |
Member |
9 |
Prof. Dr. Anirban Chakraborty Director, NUCSER |
Member |
10 |
Prof. Vinod Arhana Director, Nitte Institute of Architecture |
Member |
11 |
Mr. Raviraj Head, Dept of Mass Communication and Journalism |
Member |
12 |
Ms. Sayi Prasanna Hegde Director (Admin) |
Member |
13 |
Dr. Suma Ballal Deputy Registrar |
Member |
14 |
Prof. Dr. Shrinivasa Bhat Head - Dept of Psychiatry, KSHEMA |
Member |
15 |
Prof. Dr. Sukanya Shetty Professor, KSHEMA |
Member |
16 |
Dr. Srinath Kamath Associate Professor, KSHEMA Warden-Boys Hostel, KSHEMA |
Member |
17 |
Prof. Dr Vishwanatha Associate Professor, NMAMIT Chief Warden-Boys Hostel, NMAMIT, Nitte |
Member |
18 |
Prof. Dr. Veena Devi Shasthrimath V Professor, NMAMIT Chief Warden-Girls Hostel, NMAMIT, Nitte |
Member |
The University’s policy on Prevention of Substance Abuse may be accessed here.
The Grievance Redressal Cell has been constituted by Nitte Deemed to be University to handle and resolve grievances of students with the intention of maintaining a harmonious atmosphere in the campus. It addresses all grievances that are directly received by the Cell or through the Helpline portal that is facilitated on Nitte’s website. All grievances are redressed in a systematic way by involving the respective department/person directly connected to the specific issue.
Sl.No |
Name |
Category |
1 |
Prof. Dr. Gururaj Kidiyoor Director, JKSHIM |
Chairperson |
2 |
Prof. Dr. Rekha Bhandarkar Deputy Registrar Off-Campus Centre, Nitte |
Member |
3 |
Prof. Dr. M.S. Ravi Professor, ABSMIDS |
Member |
4 |
Prof. Dr. Michelle Mathias Professor, KSHEMA |
Member |
5 |
Head of the Constituent Institution where the grievance has occurred. |
Special Invitee |
6 |
Ms. Adya P A Student: B.Sc (Biomedical Sciences) NUCSER adya.22ubm005@student.nitte.edu.in 8754003564 |
Special Invitee |
7 |
Dr. Santanu Saha Assistant Professor NGSMIPS |
Member Secretary |
The International Students Cell is supervised by Dr. Syed Riyaz Ahmmad, Deputy Director (International Relations). The Cell offers support in the following areas:
For any queries, please contact: The Dy. Director (Admn), 6th Floor, Nitte University Office, Medical Sciences Complex, Deralakatte, Mangalore - 575018 (Email: info@nitte.edu.in | Tel No: 0824-2204304)
A healthy university aspires to create a learning environment and organisational culture that enhances health, wellbeing and sustainability. The UK Healthy Universities Network supports its members to develop and implement ‘whole university’ approaches to health, wellbeing and sustainability. It is part of a global movement calling upon higher education institutions to:
NitteDU being an associate member of The UK Healthy Universities Network, is actively working towards achieving its objectives by creating a learning environment and organisational culture that enhances the health, wellbeing and sustainability of its community and enables people to achieve their full potential.
Healthy University Bulletin 1Students of NitteDU have access to comprehensive health care facilities at the Teaching Hospital attached to the University.
Awareness and health education programs on sexual and reproductive health are conducted for students and staff. Free counselling and referral services are provided if required while maintaining confidentiality. The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Justice KS Hegde Charitable Hospital, the teaching hospital attached to the University, offers family planning, antenatal and postnatal care, general gynaecology, infertility services, cancer screening for gynaecological oncology.
Free counselling, out-patient and referral services for students.
Location & Address: Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, OPD Block, Justice KS Hegde Charitable Hospital, Mangalore - 575018
Working hours: 9:00 am to 4:00pm, Monday to Saturday (Except on University holidays)