The Department of pharmaceutical chemistry of NGSM Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences was established in the year 1991 and committed for training and educating the students in the field of pharmaceutical chemistry. The department is having well equipped laboratories ICT enabled class rooms, library and adequate facilities for research activities. The strength of the department is having dedicated, trained and well qualified faculty members, out of which 80% with Ph.D qualification. The course work of the department covers the core areas of pharmacy like synthesis of new chemical entities, their analysis, development of new analytical techniques for validation of organic compounds of natural and synthetic origin. The department provides computer aided drug design software facility for the identification of lead molecules. The department offers various programmes which include B.Pharm, M.Pharm, Pharm. D, Pharm D (PB) and Ph.D in pharmaceutical chemistry. Our college is one of the constituent institute of Nitte deemed to be university, Deralakatte, Mangalore. The college looks after the placement of students after the completion of courses.
To create a centre of excellence of practical basis training and imparting quality education in pharmaceutical sciences
To train and educate the students by providing hands on training according to the requirement of healthcare profession and industry.
B.Pharm is a professional undergraduate programme with a duration of four years which includes industrial training of 150 hrs. The programme is designed to impart knowledge in both theoretical and practical aspects. The programme provides hands on training which develops proficiency and competency in the core areas of pharmacy. The students are exposed to different courses like pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmaceutics, pharmacognosy and pharmacology. Apart from this students are having freedom to select their electives in the eight semesters according to their choices. B.Pharm students will have diverse carrier option like working in industry or in the healthcare units.
Master of Pharmacy in pharmaceutical chemistry is a two years postgraduate course. Eligibility required for the admission to the course is to qualify in B.Pharm from a recognized university. The curriculum will have semester system. The core subjects include Advanced modern analytical techniques, Advanced organic chemistry, Medicinal chemistry and Computer aided drug design (CADD). The students are trained to carry out a scientific projects to inculcate research culture in third and fourth semester. Apart from this, students will be exposed to preset the research work in the form of journal clubs and seminars. On successful completion of the programme, students will have diverse career options like teaching, research in industry. College provides good placement opportunities.
Pharm. D or Doctor of Pharmacy is a professional degree programme. The duration of the programme is six years, which includes an internship of one year. Students are exposed to basic subjects of Pharmaceutical Chemistry like Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Medicinal Chemistry. Students will undergo internship in various departments of the hospital. The programme is designed to train the students in the area of clinical pharmacy, pharmacy practice and pharmaceutical care. Core subjects includes pharmacotherapeutics, hospital and community pharmacy, clinical pharmacy, clinical toxicology, clinical research, Pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacoeconomics, biophramaceutics and pharmacokinetics, biostatics and research methodology and clerkship. Once the study duration is successfully completed the students will gain skills in pharmacotherapy of disease, therapeutic usage of drugs, monitoring of patients, patent counselling etc.
The Pharm. D graduates will have diverse career options like clinical pharmacist in healthcare organization, pharmacovigilance and new drug development process in pharmaceutical industry, as a part of clinical research team in clinical research organization, community pharmacist in public health sector, research and development, insurance companies and academics.
Pharm. D (Post Baccalaureate) is also a professional degree programme. A graduate of pharmacy from any institution which is recognized by the Pharmacy council of India is eligible to pursue this programme. The duration of the programme is three years which includes an internship for a period of one year.
The department is actively involved in research activities. At present seven students are pursuing their Ph.D programme. In the last five years the department has published 135 research papers in national/international journals and completed 30 contract research projects. The department has applied for two patents which is published. All the faculty members are presenting their research papers in national and international conferences.
MSc, PhD
Academic Experience: 34 Years
Member of APTI
Member of IPA
Guideship Status
Approved Ph D Guide
MSc, PhD
In Silico studies, Synthesis of Medicinally important compounds and their Pharmacological screening
Guideship Status:
Approved Ph D Guide
Approved PG Guide
MPharm, PhD
Pharmacological Screening
Member of APTI
Member of IPA
Guideship Status:
Approved Ph D Guide
Approved PG Guide
M.Ph, PhD
Analytical Chemistry
Life Member: Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA)
Life Member of Association of Pharmacy Teachers of India (APTI)
Life Member of Indian Council of Chemistry (ICC).
Guideship Status:
Approved Ph D Guide
MSc, PhD
Life Member of Indian Pharmaceutical Association
Life Member of Indian Council of Chemistry
Area of Specialization: Biochemistry
Guideship Status:
Approved Ph D Guide: YES
M.Pharm, PhD
Heterocyclic chemistry
Synthesis of novel chemical entities
Biological activities of heterocyclic compounds and their SAR prediction
Guideship Status:
Approved Ph D Guide
Approved PG Guide
M.S(Pharm), PhD
Synthesis of organic compounds
In-Silico study
Spectral analysis
Guideship Status:
Approved Ph D Guide
Approved PG Guide
M.Pharm, PhD
Academic Experience: 13 years
Synthetic Chemistry
In Silico Drug Design
Nanoparticle formulations
M.Pharm, PhD
Areas of interest: Synthetic Organic Chemistry, In-silico studies and spectral analysis of synthesized organic compounds
Life member of Indian Council of Chemists, Fellowship number 1328
Life member of APTI, Registration number KA/LM-910
Registered Pharmacist, Karnataka State Pharmacy Council
Guideship Status
Approved Ph.D Guide
Approved PG Guide
Research Projects Guided
PhD Project: 1
PG Projects: 10
UG Projects: 13
1. MLR-MLRTD project funded by CMLRE/Minestry of Earth Sciences
Fund Amount: 75.60 laks (Indian Rupees)
Title of the project: "High throughput screening of Biological activity of extracts from Deep sea Marine organisms".