MS Communication
With a tenure over 13 years in the field of Communication and Media, have worked in various capacities as a teacher. In my capacity as Head of the Institute, I have learnt the skills required for Education Management - introduction of a new syllabus focused on current and projected communication trends, conducting Conferences and Seminars with Speakers known nationally and internationally and conducting Workshops in sync with industry requirements.
Outside of teaching, have a keen interest in Film Festival Production. Being the Festival Director, Nitte International Film Festival, have been moderately successful in creating a strong culture of cinema in the city of Mangalore.
Keen on keeping abreast with the ever changing dynamics of the digital medium.
As a part of a cultural exchange programme, was selected as Visiting Professor to Volda University College, Volda, Norway, for a period of three weeks. Delivered lectures on Indian Media, Culture, Bollywood Cinema, Indian Animation Industry, Photography and Indian Politics.
Editorial - Media, Content and Consciousness
(publication date Nov 16, 2018)
Visual Communication Through New Media: Analysis of Communication Through Instagram Among Young Adults
(publication date Feb 8, 2017)
Publication Description New Media: Issues & Impact on Society
Political Communication through Animation: An Analysis of the Representation of Minority Communities in Walt Disney's Zootopia
(publication date Feb 8, 2017)
Publication description New Media: Issues & Impact on SocietyGrowth of animation industry in Bangalore: An Exploration
(publication date Jan 1, 2008) Publication description Global Media Journal
Presented a paper on 'E-craftivism: a new terrain of social media' at the AMIC conference held in Malaysia, July 2012.
Presented a paper on 'Virtual reality' at the National Seminar on 'Convergence Technology and its Impact on Media, St. Xavier's College, Goa. (2008)
Introduction to Animation, Information Society, Web Journalism, New Media Studies, Photography, Graphic Design, Newspaper Design, Event Management, Cinema Studies
PhD, MS Communication
Joined Nitte Institute of Communication in 2015 and has a teaching experience of 12 years. PhD was awarded by the University of Mysore in the year 2019 and Post Graduate was obtained from Christ (Deemed to be University) Bangalore. Prior to Joining NitteDU, served as Head of the Department (Journalism) in Besant Women’s College Mangalore and taught at the University of Mysore.
UGC-JRF, NET Qualified
Published PhD. thesis on the topic "Paradigm Shift in Education - A study of Technological Intervention in Journalism and Mass Communication Education in India under the guidance of Dr. Niranjan Vanalli.
Published paper "Study on the nature, scope and relevance of Web 2.0 in Journalism and role of students and teachers in Education" in the Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Vol 6,I 6B752-E757
Presented and published a paper in the multidisciplinary online journal "Jnanavardhini" with "ISSN 2456 7647, Acharya Institute of Graduate Studies, Bangalore.
Presented and published a paper "Challenges In Technology Planning and Implementation in Journalism Colleges: An Overview" at the National Seminar organized by Birla Institute of Technology & Science (BITS), Pilani on September 30th & October 1st 2016 Challenges in Technology Planning and Implementation: An Overview with ISBN 9788183602327
Presented and published a paper "A need for model curricula - a Content Analysis of the curriculum of J - Schools in India" at Presidency College, Bangalore with ISBN 97881930003-0-4
Edited book "Media Ethics and Practices" a compilation of papers presented at National seminar "Media Ethics and Practices "at Besant Women's College, Mangalore.
Communication Research, Communication and Media Theories, Media Laws and Ethics, Print and Magazine Journalism
Member, Board of Research Studies at Nitte (Deemed to be University)
Member, Board of Studies and Board of Examination, St Aloysius Autonomous College, Mangalore.
Member, Board of Examination, St Agnes College, Mangalore (2018 - 2020)
Attended the state level workshop on Editing and Writing at Alvas college, Moodabidri (2015)
Delivered a lecture on Film Studies at Shree Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College, Ujire (2016)
Conducted a Workshop on Research Methodology for the Department of PG Studies, Alva's College, Moodabidri (2016)
Resource person at the UGC sponsored State level UG Syllabus Conference conducted by Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women (2015).
Dr. Nesara Kadanakuppe is serving as Associate Professor, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, NITTE Institute of Communication, Mangalore, Karnataka. Dr.Nesara joined teaching profession after serving media industry. He was the reporter of leading Kannada daily newspapers, Prajavani and Kannada Prabha the reputed top dailies for over 14 years. He possess both industry and academic experience in great measure enriching his expertise to teach professional course like Journalism and Mass Communication and has proved his mettle as a professional journalist and an academician. His major strength is his enormous knowledge of working on ICT in higher education. Dr. Nesara has studied ICT impact on technical education for Ph.D thesis and was awarded doctoral degree in 2012 from the University of Mysore. He has worked on political, education, science & technology, literature, and development beats in newspapers and has contributed immensely high quality of news coverage. He has a record of unblemished service in media industry upholding public interest and journalism ethics. He has served in news bureaus of Prajavani at Mysore and Mangalore for many years.
Hailing from a culturally vibrant town called Heggodu, studied interdisciplinary humanities. My doctoral research reflects my interest in Kannada theatre performance and aesthetics. Other areas of interest are Western and Indian Philosophy, Aesthetics and Philosophy of Arts, Ritual Performances and Everyday Aesthetics. Also working as Regional Editor for an initiative called Barefoot Philosophers.
II Rank in MA (English), Best Presenter Award, Best Paper
Award at Rainbow: Re-imagining Sexuality Conference
Journals (Indexed)
"Reconsidering Performativity, Performance and Imagination: A Possibility in Erasing the Difference," Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, Vol. 10, No. 1, (2018): 29-36.
"Bhuta Kola Ritual Performance: Locating Aesthetics in Collective Memory and Shared Experience," co-authored with Dr. Meera Baindur, in Asian Theatre Journal, University of Hawaii Press, Vol. 36, No. 2, (2019): 395-415.
"Everyday Aesthetics in Indian Cultural Communities," Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Humanities, Vol. 11, No. 3, (2019): 1-12.
"Yakshajagat Sarvam Chittanimayam: Chittani Ajaanigondu Nudinamana [in Kannada]", Matukate, 124 (2018).
"Kattu Kalachuttale Hogibittaru, [in Kannada] by Ramu Ramanathan," Matukate, 98, (2011): "Eradu Vastuchitragalu [in Kannada], by Himamshu Burte," Deshakala, (2011).
A Session on "Saundarya Samīkṣa," in the Summer School on Indian Philosophy, 13 July to 17 July, Manipal Centre for Philosophy and Humanities.
"Imagining a Male actor as a Female Character?" in Rainbow: Re-imagining Sexuality Conference, February 18, 2017, Centre for Women's Studies, Manipal Centre for Philosophy and Humanities, Manipal.
"Theatre, Community and Aesthetics," in UnderstandingSocial Issues in Global India conference, November 17, 2017,Manipal Centre for Philosophy and Humanities, Manipal.
Workshop attend:
Top Researcher Globally on Artificial Intelligence and Journalism (Data by Google Scholar 2025)rn
rnRanked 4th among all researchers globally in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Media (Data by Google Scholar 2025)
rnTop 12% researcher Globally in Media and Communication (Data by ResearchGate 2025)
rnAward Title: Medal of Honor by Journalistic Club of KolkatarnCertificate of Merit for Academic Excellence in Public Relations, Awarded By: Public Relations Society of India, Kolkata Chapter
rnBest Paper Award, International Conference on Advances in Management and Technology (ICAMT-2023), Jaypee Business School
rnBest Paper Award, International Conference on Media Dynamics in the Digital Age, Chandigarh University
rnBest Paper Award for Faculty Member, International Conference on Innovating for Sustainability: The Integration of ESG, AI & Modern Management Practices, REVA University
rnBest Paper Award (2nd position in Field and Case Study Track), Asian Congress for Media & Communication (ACMC)rn
Awarded by South Asian Network for Public Administration (SANPA) for research contribution in Sustainable Development in South East Asia 2024
Paper Presentation- Total - 44