

BA (Hons) Media and Communication - 2021-23 Batch

Semester I
Sl.No Course Type Course Name Credits
1 LC English Literature 5
2 AEC Reading and Writing 5
3 CC News Reporting 6
4 FC Media Theories 5
5 CC History of Media 5
6 FC Media Laws and Ethics 6
Semester II
Sl.No Course Type Course Name Credits
1 CC Modern World History 4
2 FC Advanced Reporting and feature writing 4
3 AEC Human Rights Journalism 5
4 AEC Environment and Development Communication 5
5 CC New Media and Digital Design 5
6 CC Introduction to Photography 4

Semester III
Sl.No Course Type Course Name Credits
1 CC Introduction to Advertising 5
2 CC Media Psychology 5
3 CC Introduction to Radio 4
4 GE Political Science | Subaltern Studies 3
5 SEC Theater Production 4
6 PD Project – Newspaper 4
6 PD Project – Newspaper 4
7 NC Acting Theory and Practice -

Semester IV
Sl.No Course Type Course Name Credits
1 CC Public Relation 5
2 CC Media and Society 5
3 CC Cinema Studies 5
4 SEC Web Design 4
5 DE Magazine Journalism | Investigative Journalism 5
6 CC Television Production 4

Semester V
Sl.No Course Type Course Name Credits
1 CC Media Research 5
2 CC Sports Journalism 5
3 CC Introduction to Sociology 5
4 CC Social Media Marketing 5
5 DE Arts and Culture Communication | Understanding Copywriting 5
6 CC Short filmmaking 4
7 IN Internship 5
8 NC Entrepreneurship Management -

Semester VI
Sl.No Course Type Course Name Total Credits
1 CC Event Management 5
2 CC Science and Health Communication 5
3 CC Introduction to Animation 4
4 DE International Relations | Business Journalism 4
5 DE Introduction to VFX 3
6 PD Project – Specialization 4
7 NC Soft Skills and Resume writing
8 Soft Skills and Resume Writing (NC)
SEMESTER - 7 BA (Hons) Media and Communication
Sl.No Course Type Course Name Credits
1 DSC Film Theory and Criticism 5
2 PCC Brand Management 5
3 IDC Research and Publication Ethics 4
4 SEC Documentary Filmmaking | Data Journalism with Python Programming 4
5 DSE Technical Writing 3
6 SEC Advanced Graphic Design 4
SEMESTER - 8 BA (Hons) Media and Communication
Sl.No Course Type Course Name Credits (Hons) Credits (Hons) Research
1 PRJ Research Project/ Dissertation Work # - 12
2 or
3 AEC Visual Communication 3 -
4 DSC Crisis Communication and Reputation Management | Peace Journalism 3 -
5 DSE Advanced Animation | UI/ UX Design 3 -
6 DSC Media, Information and Empowerment ^ 4 4
7 SEM Seminar * 1 1

# Those students who have a cumulative CGPA of 7.5 or above at the end of VI semester can only opt for Honours with Research

@ Discussion with Guide
^ Students should earn credits through SWAYAM. If a student fails in the proctored examination of SWAYAM, the supplementary examination will be conducted at the institution Level

* SEE will be conducted at the institution level

Total Credits 206
Internship 5
Grand Total of Credits 211

BA (Hons) Media and Communication - 2024 Onwards Batch

Semester I
Sl.No Course Type Course Name Credits
1 FNC English Literature 4
2 FNC Media Theories 4
3 HDC Indian Constitution and Human Rights 3
4 FNC News Reporting 4
5 SEC Basic Graphic Design 3
6 AEC Communicative English and Soft Skills * 2
Semester II
Sl.No Course Type Course Name Credits
1 FNC Modern World History 3
2 FNC Media Laws and Ethics 3
3 FNC History of Media 3
4 IDE Political Science | Indian Knowledge System: Aesthetics 3
5 DSC Advanced Reporting and Feature Writing 3
6 SEC Photography and Lighting 3
7 HDC Introduction to Universal Human Values * 2
Semester III
Sl.No Course Type Course Name Credits
1 DSC Introduction to Advertising 4
2 DSC Radio Production 4
3 DSE HMedia Psychology | Media and Society 3
4 SEC Web Design 3
5 SEC Project - Newspaper 4
6 AEC Environmental Studies * 2
Semester IV
Sl.No Course Type Course Name Credits
1 PCC Subaltern Studies 3
2 DSC Public Relations 3
3 DSC Cinema Studies 3
4 DSE Investigative Journalism | Magazine Journalism 4
5 PCC Theatre Production 3
6 SEC Television Production 4
Semester V
Sl.No Course Type Course Name Credits
1 PCC Research Methodology 3
2 PCC International Relations 3
3 DSE Arts and Culture Communication | Development Communication 3
4 DSC Social Media Marketing 3
5 SEC Short Filmmaking 3
6 HDC Mental Health and Self-Empowerment * 2
7 DSC Media Research * 1
8 GEC Yoga and Positive Psychology for Managing Career and Life ^ | Introduction to Exercise Physiology & Sports Performance ^ 2
Semester VI
Sl.No Course Type Course Name Credits
1 DSE Business Journalism | Science and Health Communication 3
2 PCC Event Management 4
3 DSE Introduction to VFX 3
4 INT Internship 4
5 PRJ Project Work 3
6 PCC MMedia Entrepreneurship * 2
7 HDC Innovation and Design Thinking * 1
Semester VII BA (Hons) Media and Communication
Sl.No Course Type Course Name Credits
1 DSC Film Theory and Criticism 5
2 PCC Brand Management 3
3 PCC Research and Publication Ethics 3
4 DSC Documentary Filmmaking 5
5 DSE Data Journalism with Python Programming | Technical Writing 4
6 SEC Advanced Graphic Design 3
Semester VIII BA (Hons) Media and Communication
Sl.No Course Type Course Name Credits (Hons) Credits (Hons) Research
1 PRJ Research Project/ Dissertation Work # - 12
2 AEC Visual Communication 3 -
3 DSC Crisis Communication and Reputation Management 3 -
4 DSC Peace Journalism 3 -
5 DSE Advanced Animation | UI/UX Design 3 -
6 DSC Media, Information and Empowerment ^ 4 4
7 AEC Seminar * 1 1
# Those students who have a cumulative CGPA of 7.5 or above at the end of VI semester can only opt for Honours with Research

@ Discussion with Guide

^ Students should earn credits through SWAYAM. If a student fails in the proctored examination of SWAYAM, the supplementary examination will be conducted at the institution Level
* SEE will be conducted at the institution level

Total Credits 156
Internship 4
Grand Total of Credits 160

MA Media and Communication - 2022 Onwards Batch

Semester I
Sl.No Course Name Credits
1 Communication and Media Theories 5
2 News Reporting and Editing 5
3 Introduction to Photography 4
4 Media Laws and Ethics 5
5 Writing for Media 4
6 Digital Design and New Media 5
Semester II
Sl.No Course Total Credits
1 Communication Research 5
2 Introduction to AV Media 5
3 Environment & Development Communicationz 5
4 Introduction to Ad and PR 5
5 Media, Culture and Society 5
6 Web Design (GE) | Theatre Production (GE) 4

Semester III

Specialization – Corporate Communication

Sl.No Course Total Credits
1 Corporate Communication 4
2 Writing for Ad and PR 5
3 Ad Filmmaking 4
4 Dissertation 4
5 Creative Campaign 4

Specialization – Broadcast

Sl.No Course Total Credits
1 Radio Programming 4
2 Digital Animation 4
3 Ad Filmmaking 4
4 Dissertation 4
5 Creative Communication 4

Specialization - Digital and Print Media

Sl.No Course Total Credits
1 Advanced Repoting 4
2 Digital Animation 4
3 Travel Writing and Photography 4
4 Dissertation 4
5 Magazine Journalism & Design 5

Semester IV

Specialization – Corporate Communication

Sl.No Course Total Credits
1 Event Planning and Management 5
2 Brand Planning and Management 4
3 Strategic Media Planning 4
4 Digital Media Marketing 4
5 Project 6
Total Credits 20

Specialization – Broadcast

Sl.No Course Total Credits
1 Film Theory & Criticism 4
2 Documentary Film Production 4
3 Multi- Camera Video Production 4
4 Community Radio 4
5 Project 4
Total Credits 100
Internship 4
Grand Total of Credits 104