Department of Community Health Nursing

Department of Community Health Nursing

Department of Community Health Nursing

The Department functions with the objective “Reach the unreached” and believe that every patient coming to a health care institution belongs to a family and hence considers holistic care are of utmost importance. Extensive practical experiences are provided to the students in rural and urban community through home visit, field visits and awareness programs. The department is supported with health personnel from government PHC, proactive community leaders and well qualified and experienced nursing faculty. The students also get the opportunity to work at different satellite clinics run by KSHEMA. The departmental faculty aims at having interdisciplinary multi centric projects to enable them to address the unmet needs of the community people.

For any information regarding the admissions,mail us at:


Lab Facilities

Department has a well-equipped lab with computer access. All necessary equipment to meet the service needs in the rural and urban communities is available in the department & has got educational models which ease the students in teaching learning activities.

Clinical Facilities

The students are given the best clinical exposure at rural and urban community under Primary Health Centre -Natekal, Urban Health Centre -Kadri, Mangalore. The students are posted to the anganwadi and sub-centers under the Natekal PHC. Moreover, the students get exposure to satellites clinics such as Mudipu, Farangipete, Sasihithlu, Bailuru, Nitte psychiatry center which are under the administration of KSHEMA. The B.Sc. interns are having the residential posting to Bailur and Gajaria hospital, Karkala for a period of one month.

Research Thrust Areas

The faculties of the department are actively involved in the research activities. The major focuses of the research area are problems of vulnerable populations of the community such as geriatrics, children, reproductive and post reproductive women, communicable and non-communicable diseases. The faculties have received university funds to conduct these projects.

Completed undergraduate Research Projects (2022-23):
  • Effectiveness of Information booklet regarding polycystic ovarian syndrome(PCOS) on lifestyle practices among adolescence girls studying PU colleges in rural area
  • Lifestyle and motivation to modification among midlife women attending outpatient department of selected tertiary care hospital.
  • A study on health literacy and perceived barriers among patient in a hospital
  • Effectiveness of Self Information Module on Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) prevention on knowledge and practice among adolescent’s girls in selected schools of Mangalore.

Ongoing Ph.D Projects (2023-24):
  • Effectiveness of Nurse led counseling on knowledge, nutritional requirements and noncompliance behavior among hemodialysis patients
  • Empowerment programme on wellbeing of Menopausal women in a selected rural community at Mangalore
  • A Multi Model Approach [MMA] on mental wellbeing among adolescents-A mixed method approach
  • Effectiveness of Self-Affirmation Technique on Work Stress and Lifestyle Among School Teachers
  • Impact of Heart Rate Variability Enhancement Program on Functional Outcome and Quality of Life of patients with Heart Failure
  • A study to estimate the occurrence and risk factors for rotavirus gastroenteritis and to find the effect of exclusive breast feeding and educational intervention on prevention of rotavirus gastroenteritis among infants in selected Hospitals, in south Karnataka
Ongoing Under Graduate Research Projects (2023-24):
  • Assessment of knowledge and practices on vector borne diseases and its prevention among rural people
  • Knowledge and practice of body mechanics among nurses
  • Comparative study on Knowledge, Attitude and Practice regarding menopausal symptoms among employed and unemployed women
  • Effectiveness of nurse-led counselling on diet management among tuberculosis patients in a selected hospital

External funded projects (2022-23)
  • Dr. Suchithra B S received ICMR fund for the Clinical training on “Management of Biomedical waste” for training Nurses.
Completed Ph.D projects (2022-23)
  • Dr. Suchithra BS under the guidance of Dr. Fatima D Silva completed a study entitled Effectiveness of Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercise and Bladder Re-training program on Symptoms and Quality of Life of women with Stress, Urge and Mixed Urinary Incontinence in a selected tertiary care Hospital at Mangalore.
  • Dr. Josmitha Maria D Souza under the guidance of Dr. Neetha Kamath completed a study entitled Interaction with children on happiness among the elderly- A mixed method approach
  • D souza JM, Chakraborthy A, Kamath N. Intergenerational communication and elderly well-being. Clinical Epidemiology and global Health. .2023
  • Jose R. Kamath N. Pillai.SG, Sunil S. Predictors of Heart Rate Variability: A Systematic Review. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. DOI: 10.7860/JCDR/2023/57454.17270 .2023
  • Rodrigues L, Safeekh A T, Veigas J. Mental well-being among adolescents: A cross-sectional survey. Journal of Health and Allied Sciences NU [Internet]. 2023; Available from:
  • Devina E. Rodrigues, Neetha Kamath, Renita Priya D. Souza. Challenges at Technology Adoption in Academic Learning among Students during the COVID-19 Lockdown. Journal of Health and Allied Sciences NU 2022; 12(04): 369-375.
  • Suchithra BS, Rajeev TP, Fatima D Silva. Risk Factors of Urogenital Problems among Peri-menopausal Women. Health Allied Sci NU 2022;12: 42–46.
  • Jacintha Veigas. Learning Needs Assessment of Postmenopausal Women in a Rural Community Karnataka, India. Journal of Health and Allied Sciences NU; 2022;12(04):407-411 DOI:10.1055/s-0042-1742373.
  • Jacintha Veigas. Effectiveness of Interaction with Children on Happiness among the Elderly: A Pilot Study: Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 21 No. 02 April’22
  • Thomas T, Kamath N, Kumar A, D’Silva F. Effect of Mind-Body Approaches on Menopausal Symptoms among Women: A Community-Based Pilot Study. Journal of Health and Allied Sciences NU. 2021 May; 11(02):061-5.
  • Jose A, Nayak S, Kamath N, Nalini M. The Mystery behind Relaxation Therapy: Adieu to Premenstrual Syndrome. Journal of Health and Allied Sciences NU. 2021 May 14.
  • Shetty S, Kamath N, Nalini M. Academic Stress and Study Habits of Health Science University Students. Journal of Health and Allied Sciences NU. 2021 May 29.
  • Thomas T, Kamath N, Kumar A, D' Silva F, Shetty PK. Prevalence and Severity of Menopausal Symptoms among Women – A Community-Based Cross-Sectional Study. Online J Health Allied Scs. 2021; 20(1):2.
  • Suchithra B S Mitigating Symptoms and enhancing Quality of life among women with Stress Urinary Incontinence” Indian Journal of Community Medicine; 2021:46(3):568-69.
  • Kannappan SR, Veigas J. Perceived Stress and Resilience among Nurses Working in a Selected Hospital at Mangalore. Journal of Health and Allied Sciences NU. 2021 Nov 15.
  • Sarita T. F Dsilva F Effectiveness of a Planned Teaching Program on the Knowledge of Staff Nurses with Regard to the nutritional requirements of patients with Chronic Kidney Disease .Health Allied Sci NU 2021;00:1–5.

Paper presentation:
  • Dr. Neetha Kamath Effectiveness of Information pamphlet regarding PCOD on lifestyle practices among adolescents in PU colleges, International research meet, Chirayu college of nursing Bhopal, November 1-2 ,2023
  • Dr. Jacintha Veigas “Construction & application of tools in Nursing Research”-Paper presented at National Workshop, on 23/8/23. At Govt College of Nursing Bangalore
  • Dr. Suchithra B S. Quality of life (QoL) of women with Urinary Incontinence – A Qualitative Study at National Conference held at Kanachure College of Nursing Sciences on 20-9-2023.
  • Dr. Neetha Kamath. Achieving equity in health outcome during Pandemic. Parul Institute of Nursing, Parul University on 18-01-22.
  • Dr. Neetha Kamath. Knowledge and competency regarding emergency code among health care professionals during the Manipal International Nursing Research Conclave (MINRC) -Virtual held from 19 to 22 January 2022.
  • Dr. Neetha Kamath. Gynecological cancers. State level workshop on cancer awareness, organized by Youth red cross on 13-03-2022.
  • Dr. Neetha Kamath Relationship Between Health Problems and Coping Strategies Adopted Among the Post COVID-19 Patients. Ethos 5.0 was organized by Nitte DU on 11-13, November 2022.
  • Mrs. Suchithra BS, paper on “A study to assess the quality of a patient with radiation and chemotherapy in a selected tertiary care hospital at Mangalore. - National conference on LAQSHYA on 29 th July 2022 at Laxmi Memorial College of Nursing.
  • Mrs. Suchithra BS Poster presentation in virtual international research meeting held on 21st and 22nd September 2022 on the topic ‘Quality of life of women with urinary incontinence – Qualitative study” presented at Chirayu College of nursing.
  • Prof Dr. Jacintha Veigas, OSCE-A tool for teaching learning and evaluation: State-level workshop held at Government College of Nursing Bangalore on 8/12/2022.
  • Paper on -Risk factors of urogenital problem among Perimenopausal women –National level webinar held at Masood college of Nursing on 22 nd and 23 rd March 2021: Ms. Suchithra B S.
  • Poster on – Challenges faced by nurses during covid -19 Pandemic – NRSI –24th National e- conference held in Yenapoya Nursing college on 26 th and 27 th November 2021.- Ms. Suchithra B S.
  • Dr. Neetha Kamath was the Resource person- Universal health coverage during COVID pandemic at Sikkim Manipal College of nursing on June 29th 2021.
  • Effectiveness of Information Module on Patient Reported Experience Measures in International Conference on Advances in Health Economics and Outcomes Research organized by ISPOR Nitte, Dept. of Pharmacy Practice, NGSM Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mangaluru, on 21 and 22 October 2021.- Dr Jacintha Veigas

  • Ms Suchithra B S, Secured III prize in a poster making competition on the theme; Access to diabetes care held on World Diabetes day on 20 th November 2021at Father Muller College of Nursing.
  • Dr Jacintha Veigas, received Best Oral Presentation Award -Effectiveness of Information Module on Patient Reported Experience Measures in International Conference on Advances in Health Economics and Outcomes Research organized by ISPOR Nitte, Dept. of Pharmacy Practice, NGSM Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mangaluru, on 21 and 22 October 2021.
  • Dr Jacintha Veigas, and Dr Neetha Kamath, received Distinguished Alumni Award from alumni association, Father Muller College of nursing, Mangalore on March 2021.
Resource Person
  • Dr. Neetha Kamath. Improvement of maternal and neonatal health, ICMR funded capacity building program from 16-20th May 2023
  • Dr. Neetha Kamath. Process of curriculum revision- Role of stakeholders- National conference on Curriculum development and evaluation from 22-24 November 2023at NUINS, Mangalore
  • Dr. Neetha Kamath. Research methodology at Research workshop conducted by PG studies of University college on 21st December 2023
  • Dr. Jacintha Veigas “Enhancing Patient Experience at hospital”-Concept paper presented in International Seminar at SCS Hospital Mangalore, on 15/7/23
  • Dr. Jacintha Veigas Guest lecture on “Gender equality”-at Father Muller College of Nursing on 30/9/23
  • Dr. Jacintha Veigas. Organization and selection of learning experiences National conference on Curriculum development and evaluation from 22-24 November 2023at NUINS, Mangalore


The department provides unique opportunity for the students to explore the lifestyle practices of local culture, behavior of the rural areas of Dakshina Kannada. Faculty and the students conduct regular home visits to find the health problems and needs of people living in Natekal PHC and Kadri urban centre. The students create awareness among individual and family regarding various health conditions through demonstration, puppet show and role play. The department organizes activities to sensitize the students regarding the nutritional problems among the public and conducts nutrition demonstration program. Various programs had been successfully carried out till date such as health camps and referral services, in-service training programs for the community workers, health appraisal of preschoolers and school children. Organizing health programs, walkathon, observation of world health days and participation in national health programs also the key activity of the department. Health assessment, screening and education of tribal students regarding personal hygiene were also remarkable activity of the department. Following services were provided by the department to the needy and poor people in the rural area.

Extension Activities







Mass Health Education







Nutrition Program







School Health Program







National Health Program







Conducting in-service education