The Department of Pharmacognosy of NGSM Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences was established in 1984 with the introduction of undergraduate Program B. Pharmacy. The department deals with natural sources for medicine. It provides knowledge about the natural resources for drugs and cosmetics which include plants, minerals, animals and marine. Currently the department handles the courses related to Pharmacognosy in B. Pharm and Pharm D. programs. These subjects impart the information about the source, chemistry and the therapeutic efficacy of the natural products to be used as medicine. It also gives hands on experience to the students for identification, isolation and analysis of chemical compounds of natural products. The department is involved in research activities and received several research grants; additionally, it has also successfully completed many research works in collaboration with other departments and other colleges. Qualified and experienced faculty facilitate teaching and training of the students. Furthermore, the department is conducting field study in medicinal gardens and arranging visit to natural product industries to give a practical knowledge to students.
To develop a competence centre for delivering knowledge, discovery of medicines, standardising the natural products and developing formulations from natural sources in line with national health policy.
To develop human resources and infrastructure to realise the vision of the department. Impart the knowledge of herbs and plants to the students and preserving India’s biodiversity.
The undergraduate Program is a eight semester Program.. During the Program students will be taught Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry-I, Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry-II and Herbal Drug Technology. Quality control and Standardization of Herbals is offered as an elective. The final semester students undertake project work in the area of interest among the departments of pharmacy.
The B. Pharm graduates will have plenty career options. They will be competent to get job in Formulation department, R&D department, Quality control department and Packaging department of Pharmaceutical industries. They also have opportunities to work in the fields of Pharmacovigilance, Clinical Pharmacy, Hospital Pharmacy, Drug Regulation, Academics etc. Entrepreneurship is also an option of career of the B. Pharm graduate students like Pharmacy shops, Pharmacy Industry, Contractual product formulation unit etc. There are several herbal drug industries in India those which are producing commercial formulation from natural sources. Pharmacy graduate students also have career options in such industries.
Pharm D or Doctor of Pharmacy is a professional degree program. The duration of the entire Program is six years which includes an internship for a period one year. During this Program students study Pharmacognosy & Phytopharmaceutical in which they will learn about source, chemistry, therapeutic uses, herb-food interaction and her-drug interactions of natural products. The study will provide an in-depth knowledge about the drugs and its interaction with other food and drugs. The Phar D. students also have career option in herbal drug industry or in ayurvedic hospitals.
Publications: 13 (Last 5 Years)
Book Chapters: 01
The faculty has received research grant of Rs. 5,00,000/- from Vision Group of Science and Technology (VGST), Karnataka. The department has also received all total Rs. 467000/- Nitte (Deemed to be University) research grants.
The department has organized one day workshop on “Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry” in association with Botany Department, St. Aloysius College, Mangalore and sponsored by Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India.