Media presence: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-sudhir-m-0634b943/
Current Citizenship Roles: Faculty Coordinator- Nitte Centre for Data Analytics
22 years of Teaching, Research and Administrative experience
Marketing, Strategy, CSR,
Moodbidri S, (2006) ,Corporate-NGO Partnership in Social Development in Karnataka: An NGO Perspective, Journal of Karnataka Studies, Vol.2, No.2, & Vol 3, No1, May2005- April 2006, pp 169-179
Moodbidri S, (2011), Corporate_NGO Partnership for Social Development in :A A Study in Karnataka, Nitte Management Review, Vol: 5, Issue 2, ISSN No:2231-6043 Deccember 2011.
Moodbdri S, Vanishree J, Pai Jnaneshwar, (eds), (2014), Development Challenges- Global Aspirations and Local Realities, Justice K.S.Hegde Institute of Management, 2014.
Moodbidri,S. (2017). Corporate Social Responsibility in India- The Signs of a Promising Future. In S. Hasan (Ed.), Corporate Social Responsibility and the Three Sectors in Asia: How Conscious Engagement Can Benefit Civil Society (pp. 93-114). Springer US.
Prasad K, Kumar S, Devji S, Lim MW, Prabhu N, Moodbidri S, Corporate Social responsibility and Cost of Capital: The moderating role of policy intervention, Research in International Business and Finance (2022),
Marketing Management, Consumer Behavior, Strategic Management.
Experiential learning, Story telling.
Academic Experience (18 years)
Teaching: Handling courses such as Integrated Marketing Communication & Media Management, Strategic Brand Management and Service Management.Conducting Leadership and Team Simulation -Everest V 3 from Harvard Publishing Division.
Justice K.S.Hegde Institute of Management,Nitte ( 17 years)
Head of the Department & Dean –MBA at Dev Bhoomi Institute of Management, Dehradun (1 year)
Industry Experience (6 years)
Print Media- Indian Express Newspapers (Bombay) Ltd, Bangalore
Media Planning - Media Executive & Regional Representative on Coca Cola Account at Madison Communications, Bangalore
Advertising - Account Executive & Copy Writer at Magnum Intergrafiks, Bangalore.
Public Relations (PR) –PR Consultant- Mileage Communications, Bangalore.(A Singapore based strategic marketing communication firm)
Editing-EBD Publishing, Dehradun as an Executive EditoreAward of Major Research Project under the Major Research Project Scheme of the ICSSR
Awarded a major research project under the Major Research Project Scheme of the ICSSR in the year 2022.Selection was based on the recommendations of an Expert Committee to whom a presentation and interaction was made as part of the selection process.
Title Proposed: " Marketing Ecotourism: A Study of Coastal Karnataka "
Budget Approved: ₹ 700,000.00 (Rupees Seven Lakh)
Duration: Two years
Measuring Perceived Value and Customer Loyalty of an Online Retailer Using
Confirmatory Analysis with Consistent PLS - Application of E-Squal Model "International Journal of Business Excellence from Inderscience Publishers
DOI: 10.1504/IJBEX.2021.10044818
Authors -Dr Sandhya Rao K P ,Karthik Raj Kudroli , Shilpa Praveen
Q3 Scopus Indexed Journal
Impact of Celebrity Endorsements on Textile Brands: A Study of Indian Innerwear Industry published in the "Journal of the Textile Association" 81(May - June 2020):13-18. Authors- Dr Sandhya Rao K P & Shilpa Praveen
Q4 Scopus Indexed Journal
Systematic Literature Review of Blood Supply Chain Using Bibliometric Visualization Techniques published in International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research Volume 9, Issue 02, Februaryr 2020 ISSN 2277-8616 3056. Authors- Karthik Raj Kudroli . Dr Sandhya Rao K P, Dr. Vishal Samartha, Sushma V.
Q3 Scopus Indexed Journal
Marketing of Resorts & Homestays to Ecotourists through Websites in Coastal Karnataka: A Content Analysis. Nitte Management Review,10(1), 45-60.(2016) Author- Sandhya Rao K.P
Measuring Students Satisfaction of Academic Performance in Bangalore Rural and Urban Engineering Colleges Using a TQM Model. Presented & Published in conference proceedings of national conference "Sustainability, Reforms and Social Justice in Indian Economy - Lessons Learnt", National Conference by ICSSR & Christ University at Christ College , Bangalore, India, March 7-8,2014
Handling courses such as Integrated Marketing Communication & Media Management, Strategic Brand Management and Service Management.Conducting Leadership and Team Simulation -Everest V 3 from Harvard Publishing Division.
PhD in Economics
Served as a Visiting Faculty SDM-IMD, Mysuru
Two International Publications
Behavioural Economics, International Business Management, Organizational Design, Performance Management, Entrepreneurial Development, Managerial Economics
Teacher As A Trainer
Recipient of the prestigious Udupi District Karnataka State Rajyotsava Award 2020 for contributions to education. Bestowed with the Aryabhata International Award for service to the field of Education and Training in 2022. Recipient of the 'Best Management Teacher Award' from the Syndicate Bank (Canara Bank) in 2015
Media presence :https://www.linkedin.com/in/asha-latha-b7a0bb114
B.B.M ( Mangalore University)
MBA( Mangalore University)
PhD ( Mangalore University)
Women Entrepreneurship, Social Services, Student Counselling and Mentoring
Current Citizenship Roles
rn1. Faculty in charge of ' The Wall'.the writers bug.
rn2. Faculty in charge of ' Sam'vahana' the speakers club
rn3. Class Time table in charge.
rn4. Incharge of scheduling sessionals time table and allocation of sessionals and final exam duties to the faculties.
rn5. Incharge of allocating students for mentoring/Seminars
rn6. President Staff Club
Mergers and Acquisitions, Project Management, Tax Management, Business Communication, Financial Services and Products, Financial Management and Entrepreneurship subjects like Economic Environment, Business Communication, Mergers and Acquisition, Project Management, Tax management, Merchant Banking and Entrepreneural Development
Taking a bold move to accept the challenge with a strong motive to do the work with utmost sincerity and staying away from the thought of rewards has made me what I am today. "Causes are your will and consequences are his will and his will always prevails your will". Chanting this mantra I am moving forward.
1.Life member of Mangalore Management Association
rn2.Served as member of Academic Counsel of Mangalore University for 4 years.
Current Citizenship Roles:
Mae-Ground(Sports and Games Association), Finsight(FinancernAssociation) and PGP activities and coordination with COE
2 Years in Industry
rn8 Years in Degree College
rn2 Years abroad at Debub University, Ethiopia
rn22 Years at JKSHIM.Personal Finance, Mutual Funds, Financial Derivatives, StockrnMarket
Written a book on Leave Trading System.
Financial Derivatives, Business Law and Practice, InvestmentrnAnalysis and Management and Financial Management
Focuses on student centered learning environment both inside andrnoutside the class with emphasis on experiential learning, criticalrnthinking and content orientation. Bridging the gap between theory andrnpractice
SEBI Certified Resource Person. Training programs and ExecutivernDevelopment Programs in Personal Finance, Investments, Stock Markets,rnMutual Funds, Commodities and Derivatives
Social Media presence : https://www.linkedin.com/in/s-r-b-3ba43b22/
B.E - Industrial Production (University of Pune)
MBA - HR (University of Pune)
PhD – Manipal Academy of Higher Education [MAHE]
Started my career at Virgo Valves and Controls Ltd as a junior manager in operational excellence [six-sigma]. Later on, undertook independent six-sigma projects with a reputed automobile-manufacturing company and completed six projects. In the early part of 2010, made a transition to academics and research in University of Pune (UoP) and has continued to be in this exciting profession since.
Spirituality, Advance Statistics, Research, Individual and Group Behavior, Higher Education, Human Psychology.
He has more than ten years of experience in corporate, academics, and research combined. He has successfully initiated and implemented six sigma projects in two very reputed manufacturing and automobile firms in Pune. Along with participation in multiple national and international level research conferences, he has also published various research articles in Scopus and Web of Science indexed journals.
He currently is associated with JKSHIM in the capacity of Associate Professor from July 2020.
Current Citizenship Roles :
Member of Staff Development Center [SDC-NITTE], NAAC Departmental Coordinator for Research Criterion - JKSHIM
Under Review/Revision
Sharma, M., Ramaprasad, B.S., Jamwal, M., & Rao, N - Role of Entrepreneurship Education in the Development of Entrepreneurial Intentions among Hospitality and Tourism Students:
The Intervening Function of Entrepreneurial Self-efficacy. Journal - Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism, Status - Minor Revision. [Taylor & Francis]
Accepted and Published
Ramaprasad, B. S., Rao, S., Rao, N., Prabhu, D., & Sheetal Kumar, M. (2021) (Accepted/In press). Linking hospitality and tourism students' internship satisfaction to career decision self-efficacy: A moderated-mediation analysis involving career development constructs. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education, [100348]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhlste.2021.100348. [Indexing - Scopus Q1, WOS, ABDC - 'B'].
Prabhu, N., Ramaprasad, B.S., Prasad, K. & Modem, R. (2021). Does workplace spirituality influence reflexivity in ongoing teams? Examining the impact of shared transformational leadership on team performance. South Asian Journal of Business Studies, Vol. No. ahead-of-print. Doi:10.1108/SAJBS-07-2020-0246 [Indexing - Scopus Q1, WOS, ABDC - 'C']
Pillai, K.R., Upadhyaya, P., Prakash, A.V., Ramaprasad, B.S., et al (2021). End-user satisfaction of technology-enabled assessment in higher education: A coping theory perspective. Educ Inf Technol. Doi: 10.1007/s10639-020-10401-2 [Indexing - Scopus - Q1, WOS, ABDC - 'B'].
Ramaprasad, B.S., Lakshminarayanan, S., & Pai, Y. P. (2021). Exploring the mediating role of employee attitudes in the relationship between high performance work systems and turnover intention among I.T. professionals in India: A serial-mediation approach. Global Business Review, vol. 22(1), pages 197-218 doi: 10.1177/0972150918795354 [Indexing - Scopus - Q2; WOS; ABDC - 'C'].
Payini, V., Kamath, V., Mallya, J., Blessy, P., and Ramaprasad, B.S. (2020). The Impact Of Cultural Festivals On Subjective Well-Being Of The Visitors: Case Study Of Alva's Virasat, A National Cultural Festival In India, Event Management Journal, Accepted for Publication,[Indexing - Scopus - Q2; ABDC - 'A'].
Roy, P., Ramaprasad, B.S., Chakrobarthy, M., Nandan Prabhu, K., and Rao, S. (2020). Customer Acceptance of Use of Artificial Intelligence in Hospitality Services: An Indian Hospitality Sector Perspective, Global Business Review, [Ahead of Print], doi: 10.1177/0972150920939753, [Indexing - Scopus - Q2; WOS; ABDC - 'C'].
Ramaprasad, B.S., Rao, S. and Nandan Prabhu, K. (2020). Commitment Profiles and Voluntary Turnover Intentions : An Empirical Assessment of "Two-Faces" Conceptualization of Normative Commitment, Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management, 13(5-7), pp.7-25, doi: 10.17010/pijom/2020/v13i5-7/153078, [Indexing - Scopus - Q2].
Payini, V., Ramaprasad, B.S, Mallya, J., Sanil, M. and Patwardhan, V. (2019). The relationship between food neophobia, domain-specific innovativeness, and food festival revisit intentions: A structural equation modeling approach. British Food Journal, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/BFJ-08-2018-0563 [Indexing - Scopus- Q2; ABDC - 'B']
Ramaprasad, B.S., Lakshminarayanan, S., & Pai, Y. P. (2018). The relationship between developmental HRM practices and voluntary intention to leave among I.T. professionals in India: The mediating role of affective commitment. Industrial and Commercial Training, 50(6), 285-304, doi:10.1108/ICT-01-2018-0001 [Indexing - Scopus - Q1; WOS]
Ramaprasad, B. S., Prabhu KP, N., Lakshminarayanan, S., & Pai, Y. P. (2017). Human resource management practices and organizational commitment: research methods, issues and future directions (2001-2016). Industrial and Commercial Training, 49(6), 277-287, doi: 10.1108/ICT-05-2017-0033. [Indexing - Scopus - Q1;WOS]
Ramaprasad, B. S., Prabhu, K. N., Lakshminarayanan, S., & Pai, Y. P. (2017). Human resource management practices and organizational commitment: a comprehensive review (2001-2016). Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management, 10(10), 7-23, doi: 10.17010/pijom/2017/v10i10/118810 [Indexing - Scopus - Q2]
Lakshminarayanan, S., Pai, Y. P., & Ramaprasad, B. S. (2016). Competency need assessment: a gap analytic approach. Industrial and Commercial Training, 48(8), 423-430, doi: 10.1108/ICT-04-2016-0025. [Indexing - Scopus - Q1; WOS]
Lakshminarayanan, S., Pai, Y. P., & Ramaprasad, B. S. (2016). Managerial competencies, self-efficacy, and job performance: A path analytic approach. Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management, 9(10), 7-22, doi: 10.17010/pijom/2016/v9i10/103068. [Indexing - Scopus - Q2]
Research and Quantitative Techniques, Individuals and Groups, Organizational Development, Individuals and Organizations, and Managing Organizations
Keep it simple, go in-depth, teach, deliberate, inspire, and most importantly be a co-learner.
Pedagogy used: Short exciting cases, simulations, and traditional class-room teaching through discussions.
Pursuing Advanced Data Analytics Course from Intellipaat and IIT Madras
Certified Change Agent - Institute of Sigma Learning and International Quality Federation
NET Qualified
Have been invited as a resource person for workshops and FDPs on SPSS, AMOS, and Research.
Skype ID :saravanansnr@gmail.com
Google Scholar ID : scholar.google.co.in/citations?
Linkedin : hl=en&user=9jy_AY0AAAAJ
ORCID : www.linkedin.com/in/saravanan-sugadevan-4a562839/
Author ID (Scopus) : orcid.org/0000-0002-5191-794572103208909
Researcher ID (WoS) : 57210320890 ABB-4186-2020
MBA., M.Phil., (Ph.D.)
5 Years industrial experience and 15 Years teaching experience
Digital marketing, Innovative pedagogy and data science
Current Citizenship Roles :-
Coordinator of
Representative of
Team member of
Teaching Philosophy
I valued and adopted activity-based teaching in my classroom, a novel way to acquire domain specific knowledge. I equally prioritize to inculcate creative and critical thinking among students and provide opportunities to demonstrate their SKAs (Skills, Knowledge and Abilities).
Media presence : https://www.linkedin.com/in/rakesh-shetty-6738b484/
Worked as an admin staff at NMAMIT for four years Pre-MBA
Sustainability reporting comprising of financial and nonfinancialrndisclosures
Current Citizenship Roles: Heads Samvedana Association; Co-heads the Accreditation team at the Institute; Department coordinator of Criterion 6 for NAAC Accreditation; E-attestation officer for scholarships at the Institute.
Published research articles in Scopus Indexed Journal
Corporate finance, Management Accounting and Control systems,rnFinancial Management and International Business Management
Teaching through Workbook and Excel Templates
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4635-9783
Current Citizenship Roles: Scheduling class timetable, faculty coordinator of IT specialization and Techbug association, assisting in the preparation of monthly schedule.
BE (E & C), MBA (Marketing)
Two years of work experience in the IT industry.
Requirement elicitation, business research, statistical techniques
Sheetal Kumar, P. S. (2019). Requirement Elicitation: Systematic Literaure Review. Journal of Advanced Research and Dynamic Control Systems , 11 (12).
S. Panneerselvam, A. S. (2019). Systematic Literature Review on Requirement Elicitation Technique in Software Projects. In Interdisciplinarity (pp. 473-480). Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt. Ltd.
Badrinarayan Srirangam Ramaprasad, Shreelatha Rao, Nidhish Rao, Dayananda Prabhu, Moodbidri Sheetal Kumar. Linking hospitality and tourism students' internship satisfaction to career decision self-efficacy: A moderated-mediation analysis involving career development constructs, Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 2021, 100348, ISSN 1473-8376.
Business research, operations research
Case study, hands-on using MS Excel.
Social Media: https://in.linkedin.com/in/karthik-kudroli-0aa66990
B.E- Mechanical Engineering- (Visvesvaraya Technological University)
M.S- Engineering and Management (Coventry University, United Kingdom)
Certificate course in SAP MM- Wizcore Consulting, United Kingdom
Pursuing Doctoral degree from VTU – Research Title-‘ Inventory and Distribution of Blood Supply chain’
Post M.S started career as Intern at TNT Logistics (now Ceva Logistics), Leicestershire, United Kingdom and then worked as Warehouse coordinator for 2 years.(2011-2013)
Worked as Assistant Professorrnand Researcher at Sahyadri College of Engineering and Management,Mangaluru for 3.5 years.(2013-2017)Entrepreneur with 3 Ventures
1. Interior Designing and Contracting-Free Lancing
2. Furniture Manufacturing Facility
3. Srinivasa Multi Specialty Dental Clinic and Implant Centre
Current Citizenship Roles :Heading PGID group-Event Management and Fests;
Heading Infrastructure Committee of the Institute
Coordinator for EMIS Database in the Institute
Co-Champion for ACBSP Accreditation in the Institute
Member-Accreditation Committee of the Institute
Managing Partner at Srinivasa Multispecialty Dental clinic and Implant center-(https://srinivasa-multi-speciality-dental-clinic-and.business.site/?utm_source=gmb&utm_medium=referral)
National cadre Powerlifting Referee-Category I since 2022- Certified by Powerlifting India
B. Com (Mangalore University) MBA (Visvesvaraya Technological University) Pursuing Doctoral degree from VTU
Started career at HP’s KPO after degree in commerce and worked for one year. Post-MBA, worked as a Specialist Officer for over one year in a nationalized bank. Started ventures in 1) and 2) e-commerce. One of them still operating since 2012.
Start-ups and Entrepreneurship, Business Coaching. Social Entrepreneurship. Currently exploring human psychology of entrepreneurship and personal productivity.
Current Citizenship Roles : Heads ED Cell; Co-heads Branding and Promotion of the Institute; Heads Digital Media Activities of the Institute; NAAC Departmental Coordinator for Academic criteria; Industry-Academic Coordinator - KCCI.
Ramaprasad, B. S., Rao, S., Rao, N., Prabhu, D., & Sheetal Kumar, M. (2021) (Accepted/In press). Linking hospitality and tourism students' internship satisfaction to career decision self-efficacy: A moderated-mediation analysis involving career development constructs. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education, [100348]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhlste.2021.100348. [Indexing - Scopus Q1, WOS, ABDC - 'B']
Sharma, M., Ramaprasad, B.S., Jamwal, M., & Rao, N - Role of Entrepreneurship Education in the Development of Entrepreneurial Intentions among Hospitality and Tourism Students: The Intervening Function of Entrepreneurial Self-efficacy. Journal - Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism, Status - Accepted. [Taylor & Francis].
Nidhish Rao, K.Sankaran, Shilpa Praveen (2022) Evolution of Social Entrepreneurship Research in India: A Bibliometric Analysis (Accepted)
Nidhish Rao (2017) The Fuzzy and the Techie. Why the Liberal Arts Will Rule the Digital World? Book Review. Nitte Management Review, Vol 11(1), DOI: 10.18311/nmr/2017/v11i1/21537
5 Nidhish H & Arun Dsouza. Co-creation and Entrepreneurship. A decade study (Work in Progress Paper)
Story-telling, use of caselets, simulation, believes in co-creation of learning experience through simples examples.
Has experience in administering Capstone simulation
Founded a virtual incubation platform for startups (www.startupmitra.com).This includes a YouTube channel www.youtube.com/startupmitra
Coaching and Consulting (www.nidhishrao.com)
Official mentor of startups under Niti-ayog
Certified Trainer under Skill India Program of NSDC
Frequent invitee for lecturing on start-ups, entrepreneurship and digital marketing by government and private institutions
B. Com, MBA
Assistant Professor: Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology: 2010-2013
Assistant Professor: Madonna University, UAE Campus: 2013-2020
Under Review/Revision
Devji.S, Pattnaik. D, Tiwari. A, Dsouza. A & Hassan MK. Ex-Post Facto analysis of cryptocurrency literature. Journal - Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Status - Minor Revisions
Pattnaik. D, Dsouza. A & Hassan MK. Analysis of Gold literature using Bibliometric techniques. Journal - International Business Review. Status - Under Review
Go in-depth, teach, deliberate, inspire, and importantly be a co-learner.
Pedagogy used: Demonstrations, Case Studies and traditional class-room teaching through discussions.
Pursuing PhD from Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur (MNITJ) in the area of corporate governance
Delta Air Lines, Yahoo!, Leapforce, Liveperson, Overstock.com,rnDiscover, Revolve.