- JKSHIM Team comprising Pramith Raj, Rachana, and Dnyaneshwar (second-year students) won the Bloomberg Olympiad 2025 contest organized by TAPMI (T. A. Pai Institute of Management) on January 11th and 12th, 2025.
- JKSHIM team consisting of Winston Dsouza, and Chethan Nayak from 2018-2020 batch, and Tejaswi Bhat from 2019-2021 has won the runners up in the Bloomberg Olympiad at Symbiosis Pune
- JKSHIM team consists of Pooja Upadhyay, Sushma Kudva, Vaibhav Bhat, Aishwarya Bhandary, Anirudh, Iniya D'costa, and has bagged the overall championship for the second consecutive time in ‘Sarvatha’ -Post Graduate Management fest organized by the Department of Commerce, Manipal University.
- JKSHIM team consisting of Sushma Kudva and Pooja Upadhyay from the 2018-2020 batch have been awarded as the Winners of "Finance Event - ‘Sarvatha’ -Post Graduate Management" held at Department of Commerce, Manipal University.
- JKSHIM team consisting of Mr.Anirudh from the 2018-2020 batch has been awarded as the Runnerup of "Best Manager" - ‘Sarvatha’ -Post Graduate Management" held at the Department of Commerce, Manipal University.
- JKSHIM team consisting of Aishwarya Bhandary and Vaibhav Bhat from the 2018-2020 batch have been awarded as the Winners of "Marketing Event" - ‘Sarvatha’ -Post Graduate Management" held at Department of Commerce, Manipal University.
- Christ Deemed to be University organised USHUS 2019 - National level inter-collegiate Management event on November 21st and 22nd. Chethan Nayak and Sushma Kudva participants as a team in Finance event and secured 1st place. The team won Rs 9500 cash prize and trophy.
- Team consisting of Ms. Aishwarya Acharya, Mr. Flackson D’Coasta, Ms. Jesslyn Miranda, Mr. Madhusoodhan Hegde, Mr. Ramnath Gadiyar and Ms. Rashmitha Shenoy of 2017-2019 batch won the first place in the AIM - AIMS Conscious Capitalism Simulation Competition 2018 organised by the Association of Indian Management Schools (AIMS) in collaboration with the Academy of Indian Marketing (AIM) and NJOY Learning Processes Pvt Ltd (representing Innovative Learning Solutions Inc, USA) from 23rd to 28th July 2018.
- Sahil Sayyed, Subramanya Acharya of second year (2017-19 batch) and Winston D'Souza of first year (2018-20 batch) won the first prize in the Market Master 2.0 – Portfolio Management competition organised by the Indian Institute of Management, Trichy. The award included Rs. 25,000 in cash and Rs. 25,000 worth of gift vouchers.
- Team JKSHIM won the third place along with a cash prize of Rs. 20,000 at the AIM - AIMS Conscious Capitalism Simulation Competition 2019 organised by the Association of Indian Management Schools (AIMS) in collaboration with the Academy of Indian Marketing (AIM) and NJOY Learning Processes Pvt Ltd (representing Innovative Learning Solutions Inc, USA). Team JKSHIM was represented by Mr. Chethan Nayak, Ms. Meghna Suvarna, Ms. Pooja Upadhyay, Mr. Rahul, Ms. Sushma Kudva and Mr. Winston D’Souza, II year MBA students. Team JKSHIM stood first at the Regional level competition held from 2nd to 8th August 2019. Two teams each from 4 regions were selected to the National-level competition held from 27th - 30th August 2019 in New Delhi. The first two prizes were bagged by IIM- Indore and Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies, Pune respectively.
- Our MBA students attended Pirates of black pearl & Fin-dexterous from 06-01-2020 to 07-01-2020 held at Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Hyderabad and won the Prize. Pooja Upadhyay and Manisha won First Prize in the event "Pirates of black pearl" Winston D'Souza and Chetan Nayak were the runners up in the event "Fin-dexterous"