Admissions 2025-26

Vision & Mission


Our vision is to pursue excellence, empowering people, partnering in community development.


Our mission is to prepare enterprising leaders who are analytical, communicative, ethical and alive to social responsibility, and, who, by discovering their own inner voice, are able to celebrate diversity in a rapidly changing global environment.

Core Values

Inner voice:
Greater internal locus of control, being able to reflect, courage of conviction, ability to work from own conscience

Cultural Sensitivity (across groups), listening ability, empathy, knowledge of complex realities, ability to see things from different perspectives, ability to generate different alternatives, promoting team spirit

Enterprising spirit:
Innovation and creativity, Ability to foresee/ predict unmet needs and/or the creation of new possibilities, new ways, Taking calculated risks, Leveraging on constraints, Perseverance, Self Initiative.

Ethical and social responsibility:
Means over ends, Equity (individuals, generational, gender, ecological, etc.), Concern and Sensitivity to others, Being able to explain/defend decisions/stand.

Initiative, Self driven, Motivating others, People focus, Appreciative mind, Commitment, Organizational skills, Using authority judiciously, Being futuristic, Having a definite point of view, Ability to assess the environment and be flexible.

Analytical skills:
Ability to dissect issues/reality into sub components, Modeling real life situations into symbolic representations, Developing hypotheses, Ability to develop cause-effect relationship.

Develop Overall Communications Skills - Spoken, Written, Listening.