Admissions 2025-26

Master of Business Administration






    2 Years

MBA colleges in Karnataka

At JKSHIM, the curriculum is designed by representatives from academia, industry and also alumni to ensure it is rigorous and contemporary, incorporating and reflecting the ever-changing business environment.

There is a Specialisation Track system for electives that was introduced a decade ago and which was well received by students and the industry.

In semester III under Specialisation Track 1, five areas are offered viz., Consumer Marketing, Corporate Finance, Leadership, Bank Operations Management and Information Technology and under Specialisation Track 2 - Business Marketing, Investment Finance, Talent Management, Marketing of Banking Services and Operations Management.

Students can choose a set of two electives from Track 1 and another set of two electives from Track 2.

For example, first possibility could be that a student can choose Corporate Finance in specialisation 1 and Consumer Marketing from specialisation 1, or another possibility could be that a student can choose Consumer Marketing under specialisation 1 and Business Marketing under specialization 2. Depending upon the demand of specialisation,, students can take any two specialisation.. Specialisation offering will depend on the minimum number of students as decided by the institute from time to time. If he/she wishes to specialize in marketing or the student can choose Consumer Marketing under specialisation 1 and Operations Management under specialisation 2 if he/she wishes to opt for dual specialization.

In Semester IV the student has to follow the same order opted by him/her in III semester. If the student has chosen marketing under specialisation 1 in III semester, he or she has to choose marketing under specialisation 1 in IV semester. Similarly, if the student has chosen Operations Management under Specialisation 2 in semester III, he or she must choose Operations Management under specialisation 2 in IV semester. The student has no choice of choosing one of the papers under any specialisation When specialisation is chosen both papers are included by default.

Total combinations possible are = 10

2023-25     2024-26

Unique Delivery


Nitte Center for Data Analytics

The Institute has a 12-terminal Finance lab powered by Bloomberg for exclusive use by students and faculty.

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Industry Connect

We are connected to the Industry through various means


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Simulation as a Pedagogical Tool

Various Simulation program such as Capsim and other packages are used to give a different learning experience

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Industrial Recruiters


The curriculum consists of 40 courses – spread over two years and four semesters. A student can do dual specialization in any of the following areas:

We offer following specialization:

  • Marketing
  • Finance
  • Human Resource Management
  • Banking
  • IT
  • Operations Management

Unique Delivery

  • Bloomberg Lab
  • Industry Connect
  • Simulation as a Pedagogical Tool

Each student shall undertake Project Work (8 Weeks) at the end of the fourth semester and consultancy project during the second and third semesters.

MBA Regulation (2023) Eligibility for MBA Syllabus 2023-25 Syllabus 2024-26