Development of socially responsible and humane professionals is a stated mission of the Institution. Increasing access to health care for rural communities is also an important part of the national policy on health care. In order to sensitize students to these needs, a program has been developed to involve students in community and rural health care as an integral part of training in the institution.
First-year MBBS students are assigned to selected families (one family per group of 3 to 5 students) in local neighbourhood communities at the beginning of the course. The students interact with these same families until they complete the MBBS course. The students visit them regularly, collect health-relevant information and apprise them on health-related issues. The Department of Community Medicine coordinates these activities. All these families are provided health cover including tertiary care services at KSHEMA in case of routine as well as emergency referrals. The village leaders are kept informed about the activities and necessary community participation is generated. This program provides opportunities for students for continued interaction with a rural family, sensitizes them to their health needs and challenges faced by them in accessing care. It also helps them in realizing the importance of involving the community in health care activities. The community, in turn, benefits from the regular monitoring and facilitating access to health care through the program.
Students are posted on rotation in the extensive network of rural health centres. The rural centres have been established with the objective of providing primary healthcare and promoting awareness about hygiene, nutrition, family planning etc.
Students of Physiotherapy programs are posted to a local community resources centre (Samanvya Sikshana Sampanmula Kendra, Kapikad) to assist in providing physical rehabilitation services in the community. Both undergraduate and post-graduate students are posted two days a week. The objectives of this program are as follows: