Evaluation of attainment of Program Outcomes through exit surveys Students who have appeared for their graduating examination (final year / semester) are invited to complete a survey on the level of attainment of Program Outcomes. For each of the stated Program Outcomes, the students rate their perceived level of attainment on a four-point Likert scale (3 = Achieved completely; 2 = Achieved to a great extent; 1 = Achieved to some extent; 0 = Not achieved at all).
Program Outcomes analysis - Exit survey method.. Read more
Evaluation of attainment of Learning Outcomes from examination performance of students
Test Items (Questions) in Summative University Examinations are mapped to their respective Specific Learning Outcomes (SLO). The marks scored by the batch of students appearing for the exam is tabulated and averaged for each question and hence the level of performance-attainment for the tested SLOs are computed.
Program and Course Outcomes analysis - Learning Outcomes-Test mapping method..Read more
Nitte (Deemed to be University) has entered into a partnership with Coursera to provide access to quality digital learning content to its students and staff. Coursera is leading provider of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC). Some of the world’s best Universities and Companies offer online courses on the Coursera platform. These courses provide opportunities for self-directed learning and skill upgradation. The platform also provides credits and certifications which are becoming recognized by education institutes and industries. Coursera courses last approximately four to twelve weeks, with one to two hours of video lectures a week. In addition, these courses provide quizzes, weekly exercises, peer-graded and reviewed assignments and a final project or exam to complete the course.
The objectives of this program are as follows:
Provide opportunities for NitteDU students to learn emerging trends, employability enhancement skills and to facilitate trans-disciplinary learning
Provide opportunities for NitteDU faculty to broaden and update their skills related to emerging areas in their disciplines, educational methods, and personality development.
A separate portal for the NitteDU program will be created on Coursera platform.
Coursera on NitteDU Campus program for Students The Coursera platform will be used to offer Value Added Courses to students. Value Added Courses are short courses that help students to gain interdisciplinary knowledge, develop employability and entrepreneurship skills and sensitize them to cross-cutting themes related to sustainable development goals. As NitteDU is partnering with Coursera, students will be able to avail these at substantially subsidised prices
Three categories of value-added courses will be offered through Coursera:
Category 1 -
Emerging themes
Courses on subjects / themes that are related to students’ area of study but not yet part the curriculum. Eg. Genome Sequencing for MBBS Students; Visualization for Data Journalism for BA (Journalism) students.
Category 2 -
Transdisciplinary themes
Courses on subjects / themes that are from a different discipline but would “broaden the horizons” for students. Eg. Outbreaks and Epidemics for MA (Journalism) Global Health and Humanitarianism for BSc (Biomed Students); Introduction to Economics for Medical / Dental / Pharmacy / Nursing students
Category 3 -
Employability and entrepreneurship related skills
Courses on subjects / themes related interpersonal skills, communication skills, personality development, personal effectiveness, employability skills, entrepreneurship skills, digital literacy, computer skills etc. - useful for students of all disciplines.
Category 4 –
Cross-cutting themes related to values and sustainable development
Courses on subjects / themes related to human values and sustainability – useful for students of all disciplines. Eg. Themes related to gender equity, environmental sustainability, justice, ethics etc.
Students can apply for enrolment through an online form https://form.jotform.com/203568720443051
>Enrolment at subsidized pricing will offered on first-come-first-serves basis.
A course fee of Rs. 2000 will be collected for each course enrolment.
Students who complete the course will receive a Certificate of completion from Coursera as well as a Certificate from NitteDU which would be valid for partial credit and / or examination eligibility requirements as applicable in the programs of the University.
Only courses approved by the University will be eligible for this subsidized pricing.
A student is permitted to enrol for only one course during the specified time period. If a student enrols to any additional course(s), the full non-discounted price will be recovered from such student(s).
Courses and modules addressing crosscutting themes
Description of courses/modules addressing crosscutting themes