Youth wing of Red Cross Society

bachelor of electronics and communication student at nitte university

Youth wing of Red Cross Society

The Youth Wing of Red Cross Society of the college was inaugurated in 2006. Youth represent a significant percentage of the total membership of the Red Cross. Through Red Cross, young volunteers help in addressing the needs of the most vulnerable people within their local communities. The Youth Wing of Red Cross Society focuses on the following areas:

  • Promoting life and health through training and education on safety, primary health care and healthy living
  • Encouraging community service through training and education
  • Disseminating the seven fundamental principles of Red Cross and Red Crescent movement through activities that encourage the Red Cross ideals
  • Promoting international friendship through activities that cultivate a humanitarian spirit
  • Providing technical support in the development of youth programmes, fund-raising, identification of material and human resources

The youth unit helps young people get recognized as leaders of Society and as equal partners who address the needs of the most vulnerable.

Red Cross activities of the college are coordinated by Dr. Prasanna Paga, Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering.