B.Tech in Artificial Intelligence & Data Science




    4 Years

Btech in Ai & Datascience

The Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science at NMIT Bengaluru was established during the year 2021 with the intake of 60. This department offers a 4-year BTech (Artificial Intelligence and Data Science) programme with solid foundations of Data Science, which is essential for the present digital world. The AI & DS programme is designed to build a distinctive career in analytical and leadership roles in various sectors. The department has set up state-of-the-art infrastructure with high end computer systems and relevant software for AI & DS course.

Curriculum Highlights

  • Adopted National Educational Policy (NEP) 2020 and Outcome Based Education (OBE)
  • Mandatory Industry Internship.
  • Professional and Open Electives offered.
  • Industry Driven Courses
  • MOOC Based Electives
  • Courses relevant to recent trends and with a focus on future trends: Deep Learning, Big Data and Data Mining, Python Programming, Data Visualization, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Business Intelligence, Social Media Analytics, Intelligent Data Base Systems, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

Students Centric Activities

  • Long/Short term Internship
  • Class Committee – Feedback Mechanism on Teaching
  • Online Feedback System
  • Student Centric Learning Approaches
  • Innovative Projects


To create an efficient system for imparting professional education in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science employing innovative teaching and learning processes to develop solutions for the benefit of industry and society.


  • M1: To Impart quality value based technical education and produce technology professionals with innovative thoughts and strong leadership skills.
  • M2: To inculcate rational thinking among students for design and development of cutting-edge products by engaging with industry stakeholders to fulfil the global demands and standards.
  • M3: To strengthen the core competencies in the domain of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science.
  • M4: To enable the graduates to adapt to the evolving technologies through strong fundamentals and applications for lifelong learning.
  • PSO1: To design and develop Artificial Intelligence technology into innovative products for solving real world problems.
  • PSO2: To design and develop Data Science methods for analyzing massive datasets to extract insights by applying AI as a tool.
  • PO1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  • PO2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  • PO3: Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  • P04: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis, and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  • PO5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  • PO6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  • PO7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and the need for sustainable development.
  • PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  • P09: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  • PO10:Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  • PO11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  • PO12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
  • PEO1: Building next generation technocrats with professional knowledge and skills in Artificial intelligence (AI) and Data Science (DS) for creating innovative solutions to satisfy needs and challenges of the society.
  • PEO2: Creating engineers to solve the existing challenges in managing and analyzing massive data for building software systems with Artificial Intelligence related applications.
  • PEO3: Producing efficient professionals with strong ethics, moral values, good interpersonal skills, team spirit and leadership qualities for lifelong learning.
  • PEO4: Ensuring graduates are employed in top notch industries, possess entrepreneur skills, or focus on higher studies.

Computing Infrastructure at AI& DS Lab

High end servers with advanced operating systems like Windows and Ubuntu are used. The workstations are installed with recent software used for building Artificial Intelligence applications and executing massive data sets. The students are trained to get a wide exposure with in depth knowledge and skills in programming languages like for C, C++ programming, Java, python for Machine learning Deep Learning Programs, R, Ruby, Rust, Go Programming, Kotlin etc.

Lab-1 (Room No:253) No. of Systems = 45
No. of Computer Computers Model and Details Operating System Open-Source Software and Educational Software
02 GPU SERVER WORKSTATION – Processor: AMD RzenTM PRO5965WX 24Core/48T/3.8 GHz DDR4 RAM: 256 GB (3200 MT/sec) Hard Disk: 467850 GB (SSD) Ubuntu 22.04 version GCC 11.4 version, G++ 11.4 version, Java 11, Eclipse2024-03, Anaconda Distribution 2023.09, Jet brains Toolbox, R programming 4.1.2, Mat Lab 2024A, V S code 1.90.0
42 AMWIN DESKTOP SYSTEM Processor: Intel Core i7, 12th Gen Intel® Core (TM) i7-12700 Processor Speed: 2.1 GHz to 4.9 GHz DDR4 RAM:16 GB (3200 MHz) Hard Disk: 1TB (SSD) Windows 11 Pro version & Ubuntu 24.04v GCC 11.4 version, G++ 11.4 version, Java 11, Eclipse2024-03, Anaconda Distribution 2023.09, Jet brains Toolbox, R programming 4.1.2, Mat Lab 2024A, V S code 1.90.0, MySql 8.4.0 PHP 8.3.6, Altair Rapid miner Studio, Open refine
01 AMWIN DESKTOP SYSTEM Processor: Intel Core i7, 12th Gen Intel® Core (TM) i7-12700 Processor Speed: 2.1 GHz to 4.9 GHz DDR4 RAM:64 GB (3200 MHz) Hard Disk: 1TB (SSD) Windows 11 Pro version & Ubuntu 24.04v GCC 11.4 version, G++ 11.4 version, Java 11, Eclipse2024-03, Anaconda Distribution 2023.09, Jet brains Toolbox, R programming 4.1.2, Mat Lab 2024A, V S code 1.90.0, MySql 8.4.0 PHP 8.3.6, Altair Rapid miner Studio, Open refine
01 UN INTERRUPTED POWER SUPPLY Switcher 15KVA Online UPS system Model: 15KVA NL 153BH
01 PRINTER: LASERJET PRO MFP M126A Print: White and Black Print
Lab-2 (Room No:413) No. of Systems= 41
No. of Computer Computers Model and Details Operating System Open-Source Software and Educational Software
40 DELL Precision 3660 Tower Intel® Core™ I9-13900K,13 Gen, 24 Core, Processor Speed: 3 GHz to 5.8 GHz, DDR5 RAM: 32GB, HARDISK: 1 TB (SSD) Windows 11 Pro version & Ubuntu 24.04v & Rocky Linux 9.3v GCC 11.4 version, G++ 11.4 version, Java 11, Eclipse2024-03, Anaconda Distribution 2023.09, Jet brains Toolbox, R programming 4.1.2, Mat Lab 2024A, V S code 1.90.0, MySql 8.4.0 PHP 8.3.6, Altair Rapid miner Studio Open refine
01 AMWIN DESKTOP SYSTEM Processor: Intel Core i7,12th Gen Intel® Core (TM) i7-12700 Processor Speed: 2.1 GHZ to 4.9 GHZ, DDR4 RAM:64 GB (3200 MHz), Hard Disk :1TB (SSD) Windows 11 Pro version & Ubuntu 24.04v GCC 11.4 version, G++ 11.4 version, Java 11, Eclipse2024-03, Anaconda Distribution 2023.09, Jet brains Toolbox, R programming 4.1.2, Mat Lab 2024A, V S code 1.90.0, MySql 8.4.0, PHP 8.3.6, Altair Rapid miner Studio Open refine
01 SMART BOARD: ACCUTOUCH IFP 86”, Processor: Intel Core i5 OPS, HARDISK: 250 GB (SSD), HARDISK: 1TB, DDR4 RAM: 8 GB Windows 10 Pro version & Ubuntu 24.04v GCC 11.4 version, G++ 11.4 version, Java 11, Eclipse 2024-03, Anaconda Distribution 2023.09, Jet brains Toolbox, R programming 4.1.2, Mat Lab 2024A, V S code 1.90.0, MySql 8.4.0, PHP 8.3.6,
01 SMART BOARD: ACCUTOUCH IFP 75”, Processor: Intel Core i5 OPS, HARDISK: 250 GB (SSD), HARDISK: 1TB, DDR4 RAM: 8 GB Windows 10 Pro version & Ubuntu 24.04v GCC 11.4 version, G++ 11.4 version, Java 11, Eclipse2024-03, Anaconda Distribution 2023.09, Jet brains Toolbox, R programming 4.1.2, Mat Lab 2024A, V S code 1.90.0, MySql 8.4.0 PHP 8.3.6

Board of Studies (BOS)

Name Description Designation
Dr. Sudhakar K Associate Professor & Head Chairperson
Dr. Vadivel Ayyasamy Professor & Head / AI & DS, GITAM University, Bengaluru VTU-Nominee
Dr. Anusha Preetham Associate Professor/ AI&ML, BNMIT, Bengaluru Member- Academics
Dr. Girish N Quality Analyst, Atkinsrealis, Bengaluru Member-Industry
Dr. S Meenakshi Sundaram Professor & Head / CSE Member-Secretary
Mrs. Meenakshi Asst. Professor Member Secretary
Mr. R Palanivel Asst. Professor Member
Mrs. Sowmya M Asst. Professor Member
Mrs. Anu D Asst. Professor Member
Mr. Debarshi Mazumder Asst. Professor Member
Ms. Sangeetha S Harikantra Asst. Professor Member
Ms. Nayana B P Asst. Professor Member
Mrs. Rajeshwari Patil Asst. Professor Member

Board of examiners (BOE)

Name Description Designation
Dr. Sudhakar K Associate Professor & Head Chairperson
Ms. Nayana B P Asst. Professor Member Secretary
Dr. Meenakshi Asst. Professor, AI & DS Member
Mr. R Palanivel Asst. Professor Member
Mrs. Sowmya M Asst. Professor Member
Mrs. Anu D Asst. Professor Member
Ms. Sangeetha S Harikantra Asst. Professor Member
Mrs. Rajeshwari Patil Asst. Professor Member
Dr. Rubini P Professor & Head / CSE, CMR University, Bangalore Member (External)
Dr. Sarojadevi H Professor, CSE Member (I)
Dr. Vani V Professor, CSE Member (I)
Dr. Chaitra H V Assoc. Professor, CSE Member (I)
Ms. Archana Naik Assoc. Professor, CSE Member (I)
Dr. Dileep Reddy Bolla Assoc. Professor, CSE Member (I)
Dr. Nagaratna P Assoc. Professor, CSE Member (I)
Dr. Manjula Asst. Professor Member (I)

Department Undergraduate Committee (DUGC)

Name Description Role
Dr. Sudhakar K Associate Professor & Head Chairman
Mr. R Palanivel Asst. Professor Member Secretary
Dr. Meenakshi Asst. Professor Member
Mrs. Sowmya M Asst. Professor Member
Mrs. Anu D Asst. Professor Member
Mr. Debarshi Mazumder Asst. Professor Member
Ms. Sangeetha S Harikantra Asst. Professor Member
Ms. Nayana B P Asst. Professor Member
Mrs. Rajeshwari Patil Asst. Professor Member

Effective and Innovative Delivery Methods

Types of Activity Purpose / Description
Quiz Traditional assessment methods and tools often demand extensive preparation and can be stressful for students. To create a more enjoyable learning experience while effectively assessing students' knowledge, quizzes serve as a valuable informal assessment tool. This activity not only fosters a joyful learning environment but also evaluates the concepts learned, offers a quick review or recap, enhances concentration and time management, and boosts confidence.
Group / Individual Writing Assignments In group assignments, students are initially requested to create groups of friends well in advance of the semester. Subsequently, pupils were assigned the predetermined assignment subjects at random. Students must comprehend the basic outline of the assigned chapter-end assignment themes and gather knowledge from a variety of sources, including textbooks and online resources like blogs and research journals, while working in groups of three to four. The reports were graded based on the breadth and technical importance of the data gathered, logical flow, material preparation and presentation, and creativity.
Programming Assignment In a programming assignment, students must implement a solution to a given problem. The aim of these assignments is to help students develop the skill of writing programs that incorporate concepts taught in class. Programming assignments can be completed either independently or collaboratively.
Simulation-based Assignment A simulation-based assignment incorporates serious games, tools, and simulation software into the teaching and learning process. Students must use appropriate software tools to tackle the problem set by the teachers and present the simulation.
GATE-based Questions Students can use this exercise to help them get ready for competitive tests like the GATE. GATE and other competitive exam questions are carefully chosen to challenge learners to find the answer.
Surprise Test Students can use this exercise to help them get ready for competitive tests like the GATE. GATE and other competitive exam questions are carefully chosen to challenge learners to find the answer.
Project-Based Learning The curriculum's project-based learning frameworks typically push students to work on discrete projects that include teamwork, research, logical deduction, multi-step problem solving, and iterative learning.
Case Study Students are helped in practically applying theory concepts through the use of the Case Study approach. This approach gives the syllabus material a more realistic feel, which encourages student participation in the curriculum. Students actively participate by comprehending and putting concepts to practical use, and it also gives them the opportunity to pursue higher education.
Flipped Classroom Through blended learning, students are given pre-assigned topics to discuss during class. The assigned student presents the topic, the teacher provides additional context, and other students share their perspectives on it.
Video-Based Learning (NPTEL) The goal of the National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) is to enhance the quality of engineering and science education in the country. It achieves this by developing content for undergraduate and postgraduate curricula through video and web-based courses. The NPTEL courses are available as program electives in our curriculum.
Talk by Industry/ Academic Experts Industry professionals have the power to inspire students to reflect, explore, use the information they learn, and pursue a lifetime learning goal. Experts from various disciplines expose students to a range of employment options and interview techniques, enhancing the practices and expertise of both students and teachers.
Methods Course Title Proof
Quiz 1. Artificial Intelligence
2. Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence - Click here
Machine Learning - Click here
Assignment 1. Database Management Systems
2. Big Data Analytics
Database Management Systems - Click here
Big Data Analytics - Click here
Surprise Test 1. Cognitive Systems Cognitive Systems - Click here
Flipped Classroom 1. Design and Analysis of Algorithm Design and Analysis of Algorithm - Click here
Project Based Learning / Collaborative Learning 1. Machine Learning Machine Learning - Click here
Programming Assignment 1. Big Data Analytics Big Data Analytics - Click here
Case Study 1. Principles of Data Science
2. Cybersecurity Ethics and LAWS
Principles of Data Science - Click here
Cybersecurity Ethics and LAWS - Click here
Seminar 1. Artificial Neural Networks & Deep Learning Artificial Neural Networks & Deep Learning - Click here
Guest Lecture / Invited Talk 1. Principles of Data Science Principles of Data Science - Click here

Curriculum Highlights

To overcome the limitations of the conventional classroom teaching, LMS can be invaluable for the education sector as it enables sharing of the learning resources of all the courses at a single place and gives the privilege of accessing content anytime and anywhere.


  • To share the learning resources of all the courses at a single place
  • To give the privilege of accessing content anytime and anywhere
  • To make learning effective
  • To create online test/quiz/assignments
  • To monitor and communicate students’ progress online.
  • To encourage communication between student and teacher in forums and discussions.
  • To ease the process of evaluation and feedback.

Using LMS teacher can

  • share learning material/resources to the class
  • Schedules and conducts theory/practical sessions, Quiz, Assignment, tests etc.
  • Give project/activity/case study/survey-based assignments to students.

Following is the some of the proofs for using LMS in learning practices

  • Shared teaching material of the subject Principles of Data Science through LMS.
  • Teachers also shares the teaching material through GitHub and encourage students to use the GitHub.

Following are some courses have encouraged for NPTEL / Coursera – Video based Learning NPTEL course-based learning

The department has offered the NPTEL elective courses for students. Students can register for the NPTEL course. The course assessments are evaluated based on the assignment submission and the final course evaluation is computed based on the score obtained by the students in NPTEL written exam.

Following courses are offered for the students as 6th semester program electives

Cognitive Systems
Predictive Analytics
Data Analytics with Python

Following courses are offered for the students as 5th semester program electives

Organizational Behavior
Psychology of Learning
Strategic Management for Competitive Advantage
Human Resource Development
The Joy of Computing using Python

NTPL Examination Link


Thrust Areas of Research

Dr. R Vadivel Cloud Computing, Machine Learning, Data Science
Dr. Sudhakar K Machine Learning, Internet of Things, Data Analytics
Dr. Meenakshi Deep Learning, Cyber Security, Machine learning


Assignee/s Name Patent Title Application Number Date of Filing of Application Status
Dr. Sudhakar K and Dr. Vadivel R System for Optimizing Neural Network Activation through Adaptive Functional Units 20 2024 105 609 28.09.2024 Granted
Dr. Sudhakar K and Dr. Vadivel R Machine Learning-Based System for Securing Industrial IoT Environments 20 2024 105 496 24.09.2024 Granted
Assignee/s Name Patent Title Application Number Date of Filing of Application Status
Dr. Sudhakar K UPI Fraud Detection Device 6379347 19.07.2024 Granted
Dr. Sudhakar K IoT based device for skin cancer detection 6378530 16.07.2024 Filed
Dr. Meenakshi Business Management Framework for Pancreatic Cancer Detection Utilizing Integrated Data Analytics With ResuNet, DenseNet, RNNs, NLP, And Cloud-Based Solutions In Healthcare And Education 202411052975 11.07.2024 Published
Dr. Sudhakar K Solid Waste Recycling Monitoring Device Using IoT 202441036944 A 10.05.2024 Published
Dr. Sudhakar K Additive Manufacturing Device 415843-001 03.05.2024 Filed
Dr. Sudhakar K, Mrs. Rajeshwari Patil, Ms. Anu D, Mrs. Sangeetha Suresh Harikantra, Mr. Debarshi Mazumder, Ms. Sowmya M Block-chain Based Memory Device with Display 417814-001 23.05.2024 Granted
Mr. Debarshi Mazumder An Intelligent System and Method for Predicting Soil Properties Using Back Propagation Neural Networks 202331084926 13.12.2023 Published
Sowmya M Optimization of Cross Layer Design for Interaction Between Layers and Channel Utilization for Data Transmission in UWSN 202341043585 22.09.2023 Filed
Journal Publication
Year Download PDF
2024-25 Download
2023-24 Download
Conference Publications
Year Download PDF
2023-24 Download
Book/ Book Chapters


Name of the Author Title of Book Chapter Name of the publisher
Dr. Sudhakar K Data Science with R Programming Basics SK Research Group of Companies, India. ISBN:978-93-6492-279-1
Dr. Meenakshi Hands-on Data Science in R Clever Fox Publishing, ISBN 9789367078310


Name of the Author Title of Book Chapter Name of the publisher
Dr. Sudhakar K, Mrs. Sangeetha Suresh Harikantra, Ms. Anu D, Mrs. Rajeswari Patil Modern Data Science with Python: Techniques and Applications Leilani Katie Publication and Press, India. ISBN: 978-93-6348-102-2
Dr. Sudhakar K, Mr. Debarshi Mazumder Big Data Analytics: From Data to Discovery Leilani Katie Publication and Press, India. ISBN: 978-93-6348-658-4
Dr. Tejaswini R Murgod & Dr. S Meenakshi Sundaram IOT and AI Integrated Blockchain Security Cambridge Scholars Publishing, United Kingdom


Title Type of Training Date with Duration Organized by Funding Agency External Expert and their affiliation
AI Conclave “NirvAI” Workshop 28-11-2024 IEEE CIS, AUGMENTiX, Iris NMIT Mr. MD Ramaswamy, Mr. Yashwanth, Mr. Abhishek Sarangey, Mr. Gagendra
“Cybersecurity Awareness Program” Workshop 20-11-2024 AUGMENTiX Student Assocation, Dept. of AI & DS NMIT Nagaraj R, Police Sub Inspector, Yelahanka
Title Type of Training Date with Duration Organized by Funding Agency External Expert and their affiliation
“Open House Innovations Presentation Challenge” Workshop 18th July 2024 Dept. of AI & DS NMIT Dr. S Meenakshi Sundaram, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, NMIT
Generative AI Models and Applications of ML and DS Workshop 20th June 2024 Dept. of AI & DS NMIT Mr. Sivanandan, Managing Director, IPEC Solutions Private Limited, Bengaluru
"Innovations In Drone Technology" Workshop 19th June 2024 Dept. of AI & DS NMIT Mr. Raghav Ishwar, Co-Founder, ClearSkies Learning and Research
Advanced Python Programming for Building Artificial Intelligence Applications and Data Analytics Workshop 20 & 21 Dec 2023 Dept. of AI & DS NMIT AMIT THOOL, Managing Director, DalvikApps, Mumbai

Faculty Achievements


  • Dr. Meenakshi, Assistant Professor of AI & DS, has obtained Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing from Asian Journal of Research in Computer Science on 4-9-2024.
  • Dr. Meenakshi, Assistant Professor of AI & DS, was awarded 2nd prize in the singing competition held at NMIT on 26-7-24, during Kargil Vijay Diwas.
  • Dr. Meenakshi, Asst. Professor of AI&DS, was reviewer for the First edition of International Conference on Data Science and Exploration in Artificial Intelligence, CODE AI 2024 held during 3rd and 4th July 2024, organized by Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal Institute of Technology, Bengaluru.
  • Dr. Meenakshi, Asst. Professor of AI&DS, was awarded a PhD degree in March 2024 by VTU.
  • Dr. Meenakshi, Asst. Professor of AI&DS, has received coordinator certificate for ERCICAM 2024 Feb 2024 at NMIT.
  • Dr. Meenakshi, Asst. Professor of AI&DS, has bagged 2nd prize in Anyakhari competition held during Kannada Rajyotsava at NMIT 2023.
  • Prof. Palanivel R. served as session chair for the International Conference on Distributed Computing and Optimization Techniques (ICDCOT-2024) organized by SJB Institute of Technology, Bengaluru on 15th & 16th March, 2024.
  • Prof. Palanivel R. and Prof. Sowmya M. started the NMIT - ACM student chapter association on 25.01.2024.
  • Mr. Debarshi Mazumder has been awarded as the Best Paper Presenter for the paper entitled 'Denial of Service (DoS) Attack Detection Using Feed Forward Neural Network in Cloud Environment' at the IEEE 2nd International Conference on Data Science and Network Security (ICDSNS-2024) in association with IEEE Bangalore Section during 26-27 July 2024 at Kalpataru Institute of Technology, Tiptur, Karnataka.

Student Achievements

  • Suprith Patil, a 7th semester student of AI & DS, nominated by IEEE ComSoc Bangalore Chapter to participate in the prestigious 2024 Student Tech Leadership Summit at Dubai, UAE.
  • Hamsa B P, a 2nd year student of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science, has secured runner up place at the VTU Intercollegiate Basketball State Level Tournament 2024-2025 (Women) held at RV Institute of Technology & Management, Bengaluru on 7th and 8th November 2024.
  • Hamsa B P, a 2nd year student of AI & DS, has secured winner at VTU Inter Collegiate Basketball Division Level Tournament 2024-2025 (Women) held at RV Institute of Technology & Management, Bengaluru on 5th and 6th November 2024.
  • Abhishek Venkatesh, a 3rd year student of AI & DS, has secured 2nd prize at the Microsoft India Hackathon 2024. In recognition of his exceptional performance and innovative solution, awarded a cash prize of Rs. 100,000/- on November 2024.
  • Siddharth Tumbala Beedu, a 3rd Year student of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science, has secured 1st place in the VTU North Zone Volleyball Tournament 2024-2025 held at RR Institute of Technology on 25th and 26th of November 2024.
  • Siddharth Tumbala Beedu, a 3rd Year student of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science, has secured 1st place in the VTU North Zone Volleyball Tournament 2024-2025 held at RR Institute of Technology on 25th and 26th of November 2024.
  • Atharv Shukla, a 2nd year student of AI & DS, has secured a winner in Jayaram T R Memorial Inter Collegiate Football Tournament 2024-2025 (Men) held at NMIT itself, on 21st and 22nd November 2024.
  • More than 30 certification courses are completed in INFOSYS Springboard (CompTIA Network, Data Structures).
  • Our students achieved Gold, Silver, and Elite in more than 50 courses in NPTEL conducted by IIT, NPTEL.
  • Aditya Sinha from Vth Semester won first place with a cash prize of 5K in Glitch Fine - ideathon organized by Solvify club NMIT Bangalore on 5 Jan 2024.
  • Aditya Sinha (2021-2025) from Vth Semester won first place in Blind Coding organized by X-Factor in January 2023.
  • Hemanth Kumar KS (2021-2025) cracked GATE'24.
  • Vinesh Vikshith, Thulasi Prasad (2021-2025), and Prathvi Bellundagi (2022-2026) won first place in the CMRIT Spardha 2023 Handball Men tournament held on 15th Dec 2023, with standout performance.
  • 2nd year AI&DS students Karumanchi Brundhakshitha and Abhishek, under the guidance of Dr. Meenakshi, have published the technical paper "Impact of Industry 4.0 Technologies on Environmental Awareness and Sustainability" in the Journal of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Soft Computing.
  • 3rd year AI&DS students Bhavyashree G, B S Keerthi, and K S Prakruthi, under the guidance of Dr. Meenakshi, presented the paper "Enhancing Campus Safety" in the ERCICAM International Conference 2024 at NMIT.
  • 3rd year AI&DS students Bhavyashree G, B S Keerthi, and K S Prakruthi, in collaboration with Abhimanyu J, V S Sanjana, and K Tanmay Harshith, under the mentoring of Dr. Meenakshi, won the Smart India Hackathon State level 2023 conducted by the Govt of India.
  • Ujjwal, a 2nd-year student, was awarded a participation certificate at Mood Indigo 2023, IIT Bombay and in the street play conducted by IIM Bengaluru 2023.
  • Ujjwal, a 2nd-year student, was awarded First prize in the Goonj event at INVINCIA 2024 at Presidency University Bengaluru.

Project Exhibition


AUGMENTiX- The Student Association of the Department of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science was inaugurated on 25th of January 2024. The inauguration marked the beginning of a new chapter committing to projects, writing research papers and working on the overall development of the members of AUGMENTiX, enhancing their placement likelihood and creating an environment to foster creativity and understanding.

AUGMENTiX, successfully conducted a seminar, entitled "Innovations in Drone Technology", to educate students on the intricacies of drone technology, and understand the different components involved in the construction and deployment of drones. Students were informed about the aspects of a drone, like the payload, sensors, etc. to perhaps get accustomed to and involved in drone technology in the future.

AUGMENTiX, successfully coordinated an event, entitled "Open House Innovations Presentation Challenge". Participants spent months analyzing different topics and reading various published papers to gain insight into the complexities and features of a quality research paper. Authors then attempted to mimic the skills developed through their exploration by writing papers of their own, forming teams and compartmentalizing, dividing work amongst themselves and collaborating, utilizing each of their specific skillsets to create a research paper to the best of their abilities. Participants finally leveraged their skills to present their papers in front of a panel of judges from the Department of AI&DS to showcase the work done over the course of the last few months.

ACM Mr. R. Palanivel (Faculty Sponsor), Mrs. Sowmy. M (Membership Chair)
ISTE Dr. Sudhakar K, Dr. Meenakshi, Mrs. Sowmya M, Mr. R Palanivel, Mrs. Anu D, Mr. Debarshi Mazumder, Mrs. Sangeetha SH, Mrs. Nayana B P, Mrs. Rajeshwari Patil

Industry Interaction

Innovate, Create,

For the overall development of students, the department of AI & DS:
  • Coordinates workshops, training sessions, and expert talks in collaboration with various industries.
  • Engages industry experts in curriculum development.
  • Facilitates industry visits for both students and faculty members.
  • Offers opportunities for faculty members to provide consultancy services.
  • Supports academic research and innovation initiatives in partnership with industries.
  • Facilitates classroom sessions on specialized topics conducted by industry experts.
  • Organizes internship opportunities for students.

Memorandum of understanding (MOU)

The Department is dedicated to nurturing collaborations between academia and industry and has established Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) with the following renowned companies. These agreements aim to enhance research and development capabilities and services through joint endeavours.

  • Edubyheart Indian Private LTD.
  • iPEC Solutions Pvt.Ltd
  • Latavya Technologies
  • Edubyheart India Pvt. Ltd
AI & ML Colleges in Bangalore
