The department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering offers immersive research collaborations in the fields of Renewable Integration, Electric Vehicle technology, Robotics, Power Systems, Power Electronics, Control Systems etc with extended wings covering advanced up to date interdisciplinary aspects of engineering such Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning etc.

Research Supervisors:

Name Research Areas University
Dr. Vasudha Hegde Micro energy harvesting, Renewable energy VTU
Dr N Samanvita AI/ML , Robotics VTU
Dr Shefali Jagwani Power Electronics & Drives, Electric Vehicles VTU
Dr Lakshmanan M Control systems, Power Electronics, Soft computing Techniques VTU
Dr. Singaravelan A Power Electronics and Drives, Smart Grid, Embedded Systems VTU
Dr.Parthasarathy V AI Applications to Power System, FPGA Realization techniques VTU
DR Prashanth V Control Systems VTU


  • The Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering has established Interdisciplinary labs in Power Engineering and Centre for Innovation, Consultancy and Product Development (ICAP) to cater to the requirement of students to the latest technology and make them industry ready.
  • The Interdisciplinary lab in Power Engineering mainly focuses on training and Hands-on sessions in power system simulation tools like EPLAN, ETAP, MiPower, etc, for transient and steady state response. The Centre also provides opportunities for students to get trained in the areas of Power System Protection, Renewable Energy, PLC and Automation, Electric Vehicle, etc.
  • The Centre for Innovation, Consultancy and Product Development (ICAP) provides Research opportunities and Facilities for the students in the areas of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Embedded Systems and Quantum Computing.
  • The department has dedicated Renewable Energy Lab, Product Development lab, Electric Vehicle Lab etc.