Centre for Studies in Tulu Culture
NITTE has established the Centre for Tulu Studies for research work on Tulu heritage and regional culture. Tulu is the first off shoot of Proto South Dravidian language and one among the 'Pancha Dravida' languages along with Tamil, Kannada, Telugu and Malayalam.
Initiatives of the Centre:
- 'Tulu Jnatipadakosha' - A Dravidian Cognate Dictionary Click here to view
- Spoken Tulu classes to new learners
- Collection and Restoration of Tuluva artifacts
- Establishment of Tulu library
- Compilation of Tri-lingual English- Kannada-Tulu Dictionary
- Guidance to research scholars
- Guest lectures on Tulu related themes
For further details, contact Dr. Sayeegeetha (tulucentre@nitte.edu.in)

Center for Studies on North Eastern States
- NAMASTE - North East States of Nagaland, Assam, Mehgalaya, Mizoram, Manipur, Arunacahal Pradesh, Sikkim and Tripura
- Exchange of culture, tradition, arts and music
- Certificate Programs in select dialects of North East states
- Facilitating Exchange Programs for faculty and students
- Creating Academic Opportunities for the underprivileged students from NAMASTE states

Hosted by NITTE University in association with Central Agricultural University, Imphal, and Tripura University, Agartala. A unique conference on a special theme in support of solidarity for NE India. Through this conference, Nitte (DU) seeks to understand the regional issues and aims to support researchers in the Northeast through impactful and meaningful collaborations.
Join us in our efforts to engage and collaborate with NE India
For Registration/More information, please visit: