Five days of National Level virtual FDP on Research Journey and Intellectual Property Rights in association with IQAC was conducted. The resource persons were Dr.Sapna HOD School of Law Christ University Bangalore, Dr.Triveni P HOD Finance, and BFSI Ramaiah Institute of Management Studies Bangalore. Dr.Manjunath K R Associate professor Dept of Management Studies and Research Kuvempu University, Shivmoga, Dr. Usha Devi N Associate Professor Dept of Commerce MLAFGC Bangalore and Dr.Farah Deeba Ex senior Scientist Monsanto Company Bangalore.
Virtual FDP on Sustainable Teaching Practices in Academics.The resource persons were Day 1: Dr. C.S. Sharma former professor at Shri Ram College of Commerce, University of Delhi, Delhi. Day 2: Dr. Anupama. K Malagi, Professor and IQAC Convenor,RV Institute of Management, Bengaluru, Karnataka, Day 3: Mr. Pradeep Shetty, Coacher, Mindset Transformation School Bengaluru. Day 4: Mr. Deepak Justin Corporate Trainer, Bengaluru Day 5: Prof.T.Sreenivas, Professor Department of Business Management. Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa, Andra PradeshDay 6: Mr.Ajith Panicker, Life Skills Facilitator and Motivational Speaker, Bengaluru Day:7 Dr.Gundupagi Manjunath, Principal Bheema Reddy Institute of Management Science. Adoni, Karnool, Andraparadesh Day: 8 Mr.Visveswaran Vaiyapuri, Formaer Data consultant to IT sector, Adjunct professor at Gitam University Bengaluru Karnataka
Five days National Level FDP on Research Application in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in association with IQAC .The resource person of the day is Dr.Piyush Kumar Pareek Professor and Head (AIML and IPR cell), NMIT, Bengaluru, Ms.S.Uma Mageswari, HOD computer Applications, Koshys Institute Of Management Studies Bangalore, Dr.Vani Vasudevan, Professor-CSE NMIT Bengaluru. Ms. Radhika E K HOD Computer Science, Sindhi College Bengaluru. Dr. Kumar P K Assistant Professor Dept of CSE, VTU, PG Centre Hancaya Sathagalli Ring Road Mysuru.
FDP on “Qualitative Research in Social Science-An Overview” in association with IQAC was conducted. The resource person of the day is Ms.Moutan Roy, Assistant Professor Dept of Sociology Haldia Government College, Haldia, Pura Medinipur West Bengal.
FDP on “Quality and Multidisciplinary Studies in Higher Education -USA Experience” in association with IQAC. The resource person of the day is Prof.George Alfred James, professor of Jain Studies (Retd) Dept of Philosophy and Religion, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, University of North Texas Denton Tx, USA
A Staff Development Programme was organized for non-teaching staff on Accounts Software Application and Usage is Scheduled on 13th October 2022. The resource person was Mr.Phalaksha Bhandary, Human Resource Officer, Nitte Education Trust Mangalore.
Faculty development Program on Case Study Development and Analysis on Business and Management perspective in association with IQAC. The resource persons of the day were Dr.Madhavi R associate professor CMS Business School Jain Deemed to be University, Prof. Stephen Deepak, Assistant Professor Kristujayanti School of Management Bangalore, Dr.V.N.M Nair, principal and Director of Bangalore Institute of Aviation and Logistics. Dr.John Manohar Retd Professor BMS College of Engineering. Dr.Santhosh M Associate Professor.RV Institute of Management, Bangalore.
Faculty Development Programme was organized on the topic “Insights in to Academic Research”. The Resource person was Dr. Madavi R, Associate Professor, CMS Business School, JAIN (Deemed- to be University). Topic covered various areas of research like Finding the research gap, Hypothesis, Sampling, Questionnaire construction and Analysis of data by using appropriate statistical tool.
RDC- Anweshana organized Faculty Development Programme on the topic “Plagiarism – Myths and Myth Busters”. Dr. Madavi R Associate Professor, CMS Business School, JAIN (Deemed- to be University) was the resource person. The FDP highlighted the relevance of plagiarism in today’s research activities.
E- Business Quiz “Master Mind -2020”- “Unlocking Knowledge at the speed of thought” competition was conducted. 48 students participated in the event
A National level webinar titled “Funding Projects – Agencies, Procedures and Strategies”. Dr. Arcot Purna Prasda, Associate Professor, School of Business & Management, Christ (Deemed – to be University) was the resource Person. The speaker spoke on various funding agencies, and the procedures to apply for funds
Ten days FDP on “Research Methodology and Data Analytics” was organized in association with Primax Foundation. The topics covered were Introduction to Research, Population and Sampling, Basic Data Feeding in SPSS, SPSS Transform, SPSS Analysis various methods of testing and Data Representation, Structural Equation Model using AMOS.