On 21/7/2022 ‘Virginity Bubble ‘–An awareness programme was conducted by Ayush Health Club. Dr. M.V.R. Sujatha the speaker for the day talked about the age old tradition of respecting women and the social construction of the idea of virginity. She also impressed upon the minds of students the need to be career oriented for empowerment.
On 7/12/21 OMICRON and COVID-19 Awareness Programme regarding the precautionary measures related to the OMICRON strain of COVID-19 was organized by Ayush Health Club. Informative videos by doctors were screened to the students to help them understand how the particular strain of coronavirus spreads and how it is different from previous strains.
Ayush Health Care Club organized an event on yoga and meditation on 04/12/2021. The yoga expert invited was Ms. Manjula Bhat. The guest explained about the importance of sitting correctly for proper oxygenation of the body with practical experience to students. She made the participants learn about balancing body and mind. She also made them aware that yoga is not only asanas but also about relaxation through breathing exercise.
Ayush Health Club of Dr.N.S.A.M. First Grade College organized a Free eyecheck-up camp on 23/11/2021. Dr. Sreenivas an Ophthalmologist was invited for the camp. All the staff from the college along with 150 students made use of the provision. In addition 50 members bought spectacles from the camp.
A Free Eye Check Up camp was organized. Almost all staff from PUC and Degree college along with 150 students made use of the provision. In addition 50 members bought spectacles from the camp. Dr. Sreenivas also gave the spectacles after 50% concession in the camp.
Ayush Health Care Club organized an event on yoga and meditation under the able guidance of Manjula Bhat. The guest talked about the importance of sitting correctly for proper oxygenation of the body. She made the participants aware about the importance of balancing body and mind through correct meditative sitting. Students learnt about the importance of breathing and relaxation for proper functioning of mind and body.
An Inter-College E- Poster Competition on “Covid-19 Safety And Measure” was organized virtually. The guest speaker was Mr. J.B Basava Kiran, Yoga teacher Rashtrothana Vidhya Kendra, Bangalore. 30 participants benefitted from the event.
“World No Tobacco Day” was organized virtually. There were 69 participants for the event.
A Campaign on “Cancer Awareness” was organized at Singanayakanahalli village. 39 participants took part at the event.
“World Aids Day” on the theme “Zero Discrimination” was organized. Students were involved in creating the awareness.
An Awareness program on “Covid -19- Food and Nutrition” was organized by the Covid Nodal Officer, Ms. Inderakala for students.
"World Heart Day” on “Pranayama - Breathing Exercise” was organized virtually. The guest speaker was Mr. Dinesh Muthanna, Yoga Therapist, Sri Krishna Wellness Yoga & Cultural Centre, Malleshwaram, Bangalore. About 45 students benefitted from the session."