A Drawing Competition on “Environmental Crisis”
Gandhi Study Centre of Dr.N.S.A.M. First Grade College organized a Drawing Competition for students on the topic of “Environmental Crisis on 12/08/2022 at B S Raman Seminar Hall.
Students have shown their understanding towards the Environmental Crisis. How human beings are destroying the nature that they displayed through their drawings. The Environmental Crisis is the most challenging issue at this present scenario.
A Debate on “Interrelationship between Man & Environment”
Gandhi Study Centre of Dr.N.S.A.M. First Grade College organized a Debate by students on the topic of “Interrelationship between Man & Environment” on 03/08/2022 at B S Raman Seminar Hall.
Students have shown their understanding towards Interrelationship between Man & Environment. How can Man & Environment coexist this the most challenging issue at present scenario. The way of life is now different from the pre globalization era. World was not as connected as it is today. Therefore there was a little impact of any incident in any part of the world on us but now because of globalization we are so interconnected that any change in any part of the world influences the whole world.
A Poster Making Competition on the topic “Freedom Movement of India” to celebrate “Azadi Ki Amrit Mahotsav” under the directive of Bengaluru City University.
Gandhi Study Centre of Dr.N.S.A.M. First Grade College organized a Poster Making Competition on the topic of “Freedom Movement of India'' to celebrate “Azadi Ki AmritMahotsav” under the directive of Bengaluru City University by students on 22/07/2022 at Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Seminar Hall.
This event was organized to celebrate “Azadi Ki Amrit Mahotsav'' under the directive of Bengaluru University to be a part of the celebration with all other students from other Universities across the country. Students displayed creative talents in making the posters. Each poster was made with so much care to show the history of the freedom movement of India right from 1857 to 1947.
An Essay Writing Competition on the topic “Diversity and Unity in Indian Society”
Gandhi Study Centre of Dr.N.S.A.M. First Grade College organized an Essay Writing Competition on the topic “Diversity and Unity in Indian Society” on 12/11/2021 at LH -202 of the college.
This activity was organized in view of inculcating human values. Students expressed their ideas and understanding how to maintain unity living in a multilingual and multicultural society. The uniqueness of our country is ‘Unity in Diversity’.
A Discussion on “Social Change in India through Globalization”
Gandhi Study Centre of Dr.N.S.A.M. First Grade College organized a Discussion by students on the topic of “Social Change in India through Globalization'' on 05/07/2022 at Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Seminar Hall.
Students have shown their understanding towards social changes taking place in our country due to globalization. The way of life is now different from the pre globalization era. World was not so connected as it is today. Therefore there was a little impact of any incident in any part of the world on us but now because of globalization we are so interconnected that any change in any part of the world influences the whole world.
An Online Presentation Competition on “Eradication of Poverty”
Gandhi Study Centre of Dr.N.S.A.M. First Grade College organized a Presentation by students on the topic of “ on 14/07/2022 at Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Seminar Hall.
Students have made online PPT presentations on the topic of “Eradication of Poverty”. Students in their presentations demonstrated their understanding towards the topic and discussed various reasons for poverty and the ways to eradicate it. The understanding of the students manifested their knowledge in the subject.
Celebration of Swami Vivekananda’s Birthday as ‘The National Youth Day’
An activity was conducted for the 75th Independence Day as a part of Azadi ki Amrit Mahotsav. Students displayed their points of view through their painting/ sketches/drawings. 05 students took part in the event.
GSCof Dr.N.S.A.M.FGC An online PPT competition was organized on the topic of Nation Building and National Integration. Presentations by students indicated that they are deeply attached with the issue. 05 students participated in the event.
Swami Vivekananda's birth day was celebrated as National Youth Day. All the speakers mentioned the contributions of Swamiji in awakening the youth of the country.A floral tribute was given to him on this occasion.
An Essay writing competition on the topic" Diversity and Unity in Indian Society" was organized. In view of inculcating human values. students expressed their ideas and understanding of how to maintain unity living in a multilingual and multicultural society. The uniqueness of our country is 'Unity in Diversity '. 20 students participated in the event
Celebration of Swami Vivekananda Birthday to mark “National Youth Day” was organized. Participants discussed about Swami Vivekananda’s views on spirituality and humanity.