Principal Investigator for a project with financial assistance of Rs.40,00,000 by Vision Group on Science and Technology, Dept. of Science and Technology, under the scheme of Karnataka Fund for Improvement of Science and Technology Infrastructure (K-Fist) in Higher Educational Institutions in the year 2010-2011.
Title of the Project
“Application of nanotechnology to optimize delivery of selected antimalarial drugs”.
Scientist Mentor for a project with a sanction of Rs. 21,10,000 by the Department of Science and Technology, Dec 2011.
Title of the Project :
“Design and development of multidrug transmucosal drug delivery system loaded
with selected anaesthetic and analgesic.”
A grant of Rs.16,00,000 by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), 2010 New Delhi, under Research Promotion Scheme for carrying out research work.
Title of the Project :
“Optimisation of therapy for the treatment of Herpes Simplex Infections”.
Scientist Mentor for a project with financial assistance of Rs 13,20,000 by Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), New Delhi, Jan 2015.
Title of the Project :
“A Novel Approach of management of bone metastasis using nanoparticulate system
with active targeting potential.”
A grant of Rs.8,70,000 in 2003 from AICTE, New Delhi under R & D scheme for a research project.
Title of the Project :
"AIDS (Antiretroviral) therapy - The vesicular system approach.”
Scientist Mentor for a project with financial assistance of Rs.7,20,000 from the Department of Science and Technology, Feb. 2007.
Title of the Project :
“Formulation and evaluation of novel drug delivery systems of selected
antiretrovirals to standardize AIDS therapy.”
A grant of Rs 6,00,000 from RGUHS, R&D, Research Wing 2014-15 for a research project.
Title of the Project :
“Formulation and development studies of a novel drug delivery system for
management of AIDS and prevention of tuberculosis in pediatric population”
A grant of Rs.4,00,000 from AICTE under Innovation Promotion Scheme to showcase the Research abilities of the institution in 2012.
A Research Grant of Euros 2,485 € from Ms.INDENA S.P.A , Milano, Italy for carrying out research work.
Title of the Project :
“Evaluation of biodegradable polymeric implants containing Paclitaxel for breast
cancer, 2nd August 2005.”
Scientist Mentor for a project with Rs. 2,36,000 from the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research(CSIR), March. 2012.
Title of the Project :
“Design and development of multidrug transmucosal drug delivery system loaded
with Bupivacaine and Diclofenac.”
A financial grant of Rs.1,00,000 from Delhi Pharmaceutical Trust for a collaborative project during the period 2010-2011.
Title of the Project :
“All India Quantitative study of Consumer perceptions, availability, role,
services provided, medicines and expectations of pharmacists in India”
A grant of Rs.50,000/- in May 2004 by the All India Council for Technical Education(AICTE), New Delhi for convening a workshop on “Environmental Management in the Pharmaceutical Industry”.
A grant of Rs.75,000/- in August, 2011 by The Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA), Mumbai.
Title of the Project :
“Design and Development of a transmucosal patch loaded with nanoparticles of
A grant of Rs.22,000/- in 2010 as financial assistance from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore for research activity towards the research proposal “Application of nanotechnology for optimizing drug delivery in the treatment of Herpes Simplex infections” vide order no. RGUHS/R&D/Research Grants/P11/2010-11.
A grant of Rs.15,000 in 2010 as financial assistance from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore for research activity towards the research proposal “Formulation and evaluation of buccal patches of Gymnema Sylvestre to gain diet control in obesity” vide order no. RGUHS/R&D/Research Grants/PIO/2010-11.
A grant of Rs.15,000 in 2011 as financial assistance from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore for research activity towards the research proposal “Design and Development of Transmucosal Drug Delivery System Loaded with drug colloidal particles”
A travel grant by Indian Council for Medical Research, Government of India for presenting a Research Paper in the 2nd Nanomedicine conference - 2012, held at Sydney, Australia.
A Travel grant by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore for oral paper presentation at Asian federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences Conference 2011’, which was held at Kaula Lumpur, Malaysia from 9th December to 12thDecember 2011.
A travel grant by the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India for presenting a Research Paper in the 136th British Pharmaceutical Conference-1999, Cardiff, UK.
A Travel Grant by the All India Council for Technical Education(AICTE), New Delhi for presenting two research papers in Canadian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences (CSPS) – 7th Annual Symposium held at Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada from the 9 – 12th June 2004.
A Travel grant by the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India for presenting a Research Paper in an International conference 2004.
A grant by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) for co-authoring a text book on Pharmaceutical Engineering for III B.Pharm students.
Grant received from AICTE (RPS), Preparation, Characterization and stability of polyherbal formulation of anti-aging cream. Year, Rs 6,90,000 year 2009
Grant received from AICTE (MODROB) in the Department of Pharmaceutics Rs 10,50,000, year 2010
Formulation and evaluation of Ethosomes from, Bangalore, Rs 6,90,000 2015.
As Principal investigator Development of porous multiparticulate drug delivery system for the mucosal vaccination for E.Coli and Salmonella Typhi received from RGUHS, Rs 8,00,000 year 2016.
As Co-Investigator Development of curcumin nano moisturizer for ant aging with Sun Protecting Factor received from RGUHS Rs 1,90,000 year 2018
Prime Minister’s Fellowship for Doctoral research fellow Extraction, purification characterization of cockroach allergen along with formulations and evaluation of sublingual immunotherapy dosage forms for PhD Student. Jan 2019
Industrial staff training programme conducted for Agila Mylan, StridesArco Lab GSK and Strides Shasun, Bangalore in collaboration with Life Sciences Sector Skill Development Council (LSSSDC) Govt of India.
Received grant from AICTE for seminar on the topic new trends in granulation technology. Conducted on 30thSeptember and 1st October 2013.
Received grant from Seminar Grant from DBT on the topic Intellectual Property rights and Bioethics,2015
Received Grant from RGUHS for work entitled " Synthesis and characterization of indolizine derivatives for antioxidant activity" in 2016.
Received a grant for Research proposal from Rajiv Gandhi universiry of Health sciences titled “Design and development of novel xanthones as P2 receptor Antagonists”,2018.
Received grant from RGUHS, on Assessment of Pesticide residues in vegetables and its impact on Women Fertility. (worked as a Co- Principal Investigator)