The Department deals with natural sources for medicine includes plants, minerals, animals and marine sources. Currently the department handles the courses related to Pharmacognosy, which imparts the information about the source, chemistry and the therapeutic efficacy of the natural products to be used as medicine. It also gives hands on experience to the students for identification, isolation and analysis of chemical constituents from natural products. The Medicinal Garden at NCOPS is home to a diverse collection of well-maintained medicinal plants, supporting research and pharmacognostic studies. It serves as a peaceful retreat for visitors and a valuable educational resource for those studying and working on campus.
M Pharm
11 years
Natural Product isolation, synthesis of active molecules and lead generation to carry out various biological studies.
GATE-2008 Qualified and received the scholarship from AICTE, NIPER-346th rank.
Received RGUHS GRANT for an amount of 5,30,000 to carry out research on Design & synthesis of Novel Xanthones as P2 receptor antagonist.
No of Research publications: 15
No of Review publications:4
Natural Product isolation, synthesis of active molecules and lead generation to carry out various biological studies.
Pursuing Ph.D studies from Nitte University
Text books:
1.Authored a Text book of
Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacodynamics for B.Pharm 6th
semester according to Revised PCI syllabus, 2020.
2.Authored a Text book of Industrial Pharmacy-II for B.Pharm 7th semester according to Revised PCI syllabus, 2021.
3.Authored a Text book on Biochemistry for B.Pharm 2nd semester according to Revised PCI syllabus, 2021.
4.Authored a Text book on the Concepts of Biochemistry for Pharmacy students 2022.
M PHARM (Pharmacognosy)
10 Years
Standardization of herbal semisolid dosage forms for Wound healing activity. Allelopathic activity of Herbals
Conference Attended: 05
Faculty development Programme (FDP)/Quality improvement Programme (QIP)-05
PhD program: Pursuing PhD program from Nitte University