NET Institutions Students consumers’ co-operative stores Ltd. started functioning from 28 December 1988. The society is registered under the Karnataka State Co-operative Act1959. (Registration Number AR38/RNR 88-89) As per the act the society is registered under the name “NET Institutions Students’ Consumers’ co-operative stores Ltd.” from the year of its establishment. The cooperative society endeavours to meet the requirements of the students and staff of NET Campus. As per the State Government act of the society, the board of directors is to be selected for a five year duration. For the academic year 2015-2020 new board of directors were selected as per the norms of the society and following are the board of directors for the next 5 years.
1. President : Dr. I R Mithanthaya
2. Trust Nominee : Sri. Yogesh Hegde
3. Director : Dr. Niranjan N Chiplunkar
4. Secretary : Dr. Ramakrishna B
5. Vice-President : Mr. Keshav Mugeraya
6. Directors:
- Dr. Joy Martis
- Mr. Deviprasad
- Mr. Sathish Shetty
- Mr. Ganesh Salian
- Ms. Geetha Poojari
- Ms. Deeksha D
- Ms. Devika
- Ms. Aparna
- Ms. Rachana
From the last thirty years co-operative store has increased its capacity in sales and services. The facilities like Laminations, spiral binding of seminar reports are introduced. Computer facility is provided at Xerox centres for the preparation of project reports.
Some progress in the working of stores